Sunday 1 March 2020

Oh Monday, Monday! (Feb.10, 2020)

Oh Monday, I don't hate you but I can't say that you are my favorite either.

It was back to work for me today.
First thing I did was weigh in.

I'm up a bit from last week which sucks.
I'm trying to make healthier choices and for the most part I am but I could be trying harder.

Sometimes I feel like I should just give up and learn to be happy with the size that I am.
It's not in me though, I'm not ready to give up just yet.

I had a few parcels on my desk when I got to the office this morning that came in last week while I was away.
I'd ordered a few things for my niece, something for my son and a couple things for me.
Parcels are always fun to get even when you know what is in them.

Work today was meeting after meeting after meeting.
I wasn't able to go to coffee because I had a meeting.

My Honey made me an omelet at lunch.
It was tasty.

I took the parcels home and in true Professor Snuggles fashion, he claimed it right away.

This cat has a thing for cardboard boxes.

He looks so comfy all curled up in there.

The afternoon was more meetings then ended with an hour long phone call to the help desk for help getting one of my programs working.
They did get it going finally so it was worth it in the end.

I was tired after work so I chilled for a bit.

My Honey had made black bean and barley soup for supper.

He also had all the fixings ready for delicious sandwiches.

Doesn't that look delicious?

He also made a delicious looking cake which I did not indulge in.
Our plan was to take it and give it away to my brother and my son later.

We watched 90 Day Fiance Pillow Talk together.
That show cracks me up.
Some of the comments are hilarious.
David and Annie are so cute too, love them!

After supper, I had to go get on the treadmill.
I didn't even have 5000 steps yet so I knew it would take me a long time.

I put on The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel and got started.
It's a quirky show but I really like it, I only have one more episode left then I'll be waiting again for the next season.

It ended up taking me over an hour to reach 10,000 steps.
I got it done though!
Still going strong with that goal, haven't missed a day and I don't intend to.

It was a bit late by then to go visiting and delivering cake so we'll do that tomorrow night.
Instead, we watched some YouTube shows on places to eat and things to do in Charleston and Savannah.

Hard to believe we are heading out next week already.

Paddington sticking out his tongue, ha ha!

He's so funny!

This would totally be the best Valentine's day gift ever!!!!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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