Monday 23 March 2020

Weigh In Day (Mar.9, 2020)

Well it was back to work today, I was a little tired this morning.
That time change really makes a difference.

I weighed in first thing, I did good all last week until we went away for the weekend then I indulged a little.
I didn't go crazy but it still showed up on the scale.

SG is away in Cuba for the week so I've moved to her office for the week.
It's easier for me to keep an eye on who is coming and going out of the office instead of running out of my office to the front every time the buzzer rings.

My boss, MM, who lives in Kelowna and works from home, emailed me this morning to see if I could attend a couple of meetings for him this week in Grande Prairie.
Turns out he was in contact with someone who has Corona Virus so now he is being tested and he's in quarantine until he finds out.

One meeting was today and it ended up being cancelled so it may just be the Friday one.
The Corona Virus sure is causing a scare and I feel like it's being blown way out of proportion.

People are going crazy and stocking up like it's the apocalypse or something.
The main thing they are stocking up on................toilet paper.
They are also buying up all the face masks too which health officials say don't even help anyway.
I understand that it can be dangerous, especially for the elderly but I don't know if all this fear mongering about it is justified.

Our stocks dropped by $10.00 overnight and I've not seen anything like it before.
I sure hope the mania dies down soon because it could have a lot of terrible repercussions.
I'm confident that our stocks will recover but there are businesses out there that may not.
I also feel like the media is partially responsible for the mania surrounding this whole thing and there should be some way to hold irresponsible journalism to account.

The morning passed by fairly quickly then before you know it, it was lunch time.
My Honey made me a mushroom, cheese omelette for lunch and it was really tasty.

I called and got my new phone hooked up today finally.
It's a bit smaller than my last couple of phones have been and it's going to take some getting used to but I think I'm going to like it.

The afternoon went by pretty quickly as well.
My Honey was working out when I got home so I watched yesterday's Sister Wives.
They kind of drag things out sometimes, I wish they'd show more of the older kids and less of the fighting and arguing about houses and rentals.

My Honey made meatloaf for supper and was tasty.
I had a slice with some corn and mashed potatoes before heading to the curling rink.
Play offs start this week and this is our first game.

If we are out, we are done.
If we win, we play Thursday night.

We started out strong, were up 5 to nothing then they came back, caught up and even surpassed us.
It was a back and forth game after that.
I played better than last week thank goodness.
They were beating us by a point after the 7th end and we had one rock down and they were sitting shot when our skip, KS, made a great shot, knocked their one out and we ended up winning it.
It was a great game though on both sides.

So guess that means we'll be back on Thursday.
I have an appointment to get my new lens put in that day in Barrhead but I guess I'll have to reschedule.
When I got home from curling, I figured out which transfer I wanted to put on Baby F's growth chart and My Honey and I worked on transferring it together.
I love how it looks.

I think I've decided that I'm going to skip the numbers and just add her name then it will be all done, FINALLY!!

I really like how the transfer looks, I'm going to be putting transfers on everything now!

Miss H's mom shared this memory of her that popped up on Facebook.
She sure made a cute flamingo.

People are losing their minds!
Honestly I worry about running out of TP too but all year long so I always pick some up every time we go shopping so I should have plenty to last for a while.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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