Friday 31 March 2023

Mother Nature Reminds Us Who Is Boss (Mar.30, 2023)

 Oh Mother Nature - Why must you taunt us so?

Woke up to a winter wonderland again just when I thought we were making headway on snow melting.

I actually had to clean snow off of my car before I could drive to work and the walkways had to get shovelled.
I wish that I could say this is likely the last snow we'll get before spring but I know that it probably isn't so that's kind of a bummer.

I walked back to the office after lunch so I could get some steps in and Jason walked down with me (then he walked back home).
I made sure to ear my cleats since all of the snow is covering up the ice underneath.

Then after work, Jason met me at the office and we walked home together.
He made us shrimp and salad for supper.

I wanted to be careful about what I ate today after having a bit of a treat day yesterday.
I had pizza, meatloaf and cake and didn't bother to track it.

I know I went way over my daily points and I was having one of those pouty days where I felt like I'm not getting anywhere with the weight loss anyway so I might as well just give up.

I'm not giving up though - this is something that I really want.
One bad day does not negate all of the good days that went before it - the trick is to just dust it off and carry on.

I need to trust the process and even it is slow, it will happen - and I'm ok with that.

After supper, I still needed a few more steps so we went for a walk down to the store and back.
I love getting the fresh air - it feels really good.

Jason's buddy at work told him about this show he found on Netflix, American Vandal.
We watched an episode last night and we both really liked it so we watched another episode when we got home.

The storyline is basically that 27 cars at this high school get vandalized (someone paints giant penises on them) and kind of this prankster guy is blamed for it and a couple of students in the school take it upon themselve to make a documentary (or mockumentary) to investigate who really committed the crime.

It's a satire of documentaries but it's interesting and funny and we are quite enjoying it so far.
There even looks to be a second season where they investigate a crime at another school where the lemonade in the cafeteria is contaminated with laxatives.

We planned on watching a second episode tonight but Freya wanted to come over for a visit so Kody ended up bringing her over.

She immediately dumped all of her Polly Pockets out on the floor in the middle of the living room and started undressing them.

Then she took them into the bathroom and started washing them.

She said they were at the beach.

Then she got her bathing suit on and said that she wanted to go swimming.
She didn't want to go in the tub though, she wanted to go in the sink.

OMG - there was water every where but she had fun and it's only water, no harm.

Next she changed into the new little dress I bought her.
I love how cute she looks in long dresses.

She added the choker which is actually a belt from her Cat Noir costume - she has style.

She was complaining that the dress kept falling down and was too big for her.
I suggested we tie the straps a bit tighter but no, she wanted to change.

Her next and final look for the evening.

She kept the choker but put on her LOL dress.
She loves this style of dress with the meshy bottoms.

She and Jason played the night away and she ended up spending the night.
I'm so grateful that we get to spend so much time with her - I just love her so much and I know Jason feels exactly the same way.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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