Friday 24 March 2023

Disney Hollywood Studios and Ford's Garage (Feb.21, 2023)

We are off to Disney Hollywood Studios for the day today.

Jason had more get up and go than I did today and he got up early and went out for a run while I opted to just stay back and have an extra few minutes of sleep.


Mel was sitting out back last night having a smoke in the dark and she said she saw an armadillo run by.
Then Jason went out for a run this morning and saw this.

Haylee picked up a henna tattoo pack yesterday and Freya wanted one this morning.
She did this herself and I think she did a pretty good job of it.

Just having some breakfast before we headed out.

Made it.
I had to take a picture of where we parked so I'd be able to find it at the end of the day.

It took a few minutes to get sorted when we got there but before you know it, in we went.
I like how it kind of has an art deco feel.

We did bring the stroller again for Freya but she opted to sit on Jason's shoulders for a bit - there was a better view up there.

There were a lot of people in the park today.

We decided that we'd head straight to the stuff geared more towards the kiddos that way they'd see it when they were fresh and not miss out on it.
Freya insisted that Hunter push her in the stroller.

We were off to Toy Story Land and Mel, Alivia (and Rob not pictured) came with us.

Donald and Daisy were out doing some gardening so we got to see them along the way.

I reallly liked the style of the buildings here.
We were on our way to Toy Story Land when Haylee texted to say there was a showing of Beauty and the Beast happening right away so we headed back to go see that.

We saw the Tower of Terror along the way - I think a few of our group are planning on riding that today.
Not this gal though, dropping rides aren't my thing.

We got there in time for the show and we had pretty good seats, we weren't that far from the stage.

Freya was excited when she saw Belle come out.

It was like the Cliff Notes version of Beauty and the Beast.

As per Disney's usual - the costumes and set were amazing.
Disney always does such a good job.

This shot gives a better idea on how far from the stage we were.

She commandeered my sun visor that I bought myself yesterday.

I love these costumes, Mrs. Potts, Lumiere and Cogsworth looked amazing.

Even Chip was there.

They performed one of my favorite Disney songs of all time - Be Our Guest.
This is the 'flatware entertaining'.

Love getting to see this with my girlie.

The beast looked like he stepped right out of the movie.

Freya took our picture (Jason was enjoying himself even though you'd never know it from this picture).

She took a selfie too.

Of course they did the ballroom scene where Belle has on her famous yellow ball gown.

And the beast is turned back into the prince that he is.

It was a great performance and I'm super glad we caught it.

Afterwards, we were off towards Toy Story Land again.

We saw Buzz Lightyear.

He was just finishing up a photo op session so we couldn't get in the line to meet him.
He'll be back and it was neat just seeing him too even if it was from afar.

Made it to Toy Story Land.
I love the giant Woody.

Toy Story Land

The giant K'Nex are so neat.

As are the giant string lights everywhere.

Love the giant lights.

Woody and Jessie were out meeting and greeting but the line up was ginormous so we skipped it.

The line ups for everything were huge, like 90 minutes or more.
Way longer than we wanted to wait for anything.

A giant Woody.

I loved the plastic army guy.
(It was actualy a real guy).

The rides all had such long line ups that we didn't end up waiting for anything.
In hindsight, I should have gotten us all the Genie passes although I'm not sure if it would have made a whole lot of difference.
This isn't even the busiest time of the year here - I can't even imagine what that would be like.

So we just kept on going and headed over to the Star Wars land.

It looked so cool but again, it was super busy an not really something Freya was interested in.
I would have liked to have more time to look around but I got to see it at least.

They had all these droids outside of this 'shop'.


There was a performance goign on that we caught a little of.


The whole esthetic was so cool - it really felt like you were in this world in another galaxy.

I don't know the actual name of this fighter jet thing but it still looked awesome.
In hindsight, I wish we'd looked around and checked things out more but we were getting hungry by this point and Freya had fallen asleep so we were looking for somewhere to eat.

We found a spot that was like an old fashioned drive in theater inside.

The tables were cars and there was a screen with all kinds of movie clips going and the ceiling was painted to look like the sky.
Really cool.
And we didn't need a reservation, they were able to see us right away.

Alivia and Hunter.

Jason and I and Freya - she slept until the food came and I woke her up.

Rob was with us too.

So was Mel.

We got our waiter to take a picture for us.
The food was pretty good - a little on the expensive side.

The Muppet 'ride' was right next door and there wasn't much of a line up so we headed there next.
(It isn't a ride really, it's a 3d movie but I love those)

Heading into the theater.

They even ha the two old guys on the balcony.
I think we all really enjoyed the show.

Next up, we headed over to Disney Jr.
There were some characters there you could meet, Fancy Nancy, Doc McStuffins, Vampirina and Pluto. Pluto had the longest line but of course he was the one Freya wanted to meet so we got in the line up.

Waiting patienly to meet Pluto.

Pluto hugs!

Freya, Pluto and Hunter.

Even got Pluto's autograph.

All the characters went for a break so we headed over to the Cars ride which was showing a short line up on the app.

We were able to walk right in to the ride which was really just a movie as well.
It was just ok.

There were some characters from the movie outside of the theater and they were neat to see.
She just loves Hunter so much.

OMG - I love her faces she makes.

Someone made a Mickey head out of flowers on the ground and it looked really nice.

We came upon a face painting booth and the kids both wanted to get their faces painted so we let them.
Mel and Alivia were going on the Tower of Terror ride so we had some time to kill.

Hunter picked out the one he wanted right away.

It took Freya a bit longer and she changed her mind once or twice but in the end, this is the one she picked.

Ready to get her face painted.

Hunter is ready too.

Freya's was going to take a bit longer so when the first painter became available, they started on Freya.

Getting her face painted.

It's coming along.

So serious.

She was so good and sat so still the whole time.

Love those blue lips.

Freya was nearly done when they started on Hunter's.

They both looked so serious the whole time.

Adding some details.

Hunter's did end up being a lot quicker than Freya's.

Finishing up and adding the most important part - GLITTER!

The finished results.


She was so pleased.

They both were.

Comparing to the original.
Not exactly the same but Hunter was happy and that's what counts.

So was Freya - they did a good job.

After face painting, we headed back to Disney Jr to see if any of the characters were back.
They all were and we thought we'd get Freya to meet someone new but she wanted to go and meet Pluto again.

So we did.

We did convince her to meet Vampirina too this time.

Freya and Vampirina.

There was a Disney Jr dance party about to start so we got in the line up for that.
Just as we were about to go in, Freya fell and skinned her knee.
You could barely see a scratch but you'd have thought she was mortally wounded.

She cried and cried.

I had to carry her in and they made us all sit on the floor and she did not want to at all.
She was cuddle into to me and wouldn't even look at the stage.

I know she was really just hot and tired but it was such bad timing - I was so bummed because I think she really would have enjoyed the show otherwise.

They had some characters come out individually, like Doc McStuffins, Vampirina and Timon (seen here).

They would sing and dance.

They guest of honor was Mickey.

Then they all came out together and danced with the kids.
Hunter really enjoyed it and I tried to dance but Freya wasn't having it.

After we left the dance party, we saw the Incredibles.

I think they were heading in for a break.

They looked so good.

Still playing up her injury - I don't think it even bled.

Little hop-a long!

She didn't want to meet Fancy Nancy but she did want to check out her house after she left.

Checking the house out.

It would make a really nice play house.

A nice close up of her.

Milking her injury.

It was after 5 and a lot of the characters were done for the day.
We met up with everyone else and most of them were pretty much done for the day too.
Jen had an appointment at 8 to make droids with the boys but she headed over to see if she could get it done earlier (which she did) and the rest of us called it a day.

When we got home, everyone kind of chilled for the rest of the night and Jason and I decided to go out and get a bite to eat.

We found this place called Ford's and there was a bit of a wait and they gave us a buzzer so we walked around and checked out the area until our table was ready.

Cool mural that was on the wall.

There was some night life going on - live entertainment and people dressed up and walking around on stilts.

I love all the lights on the palm trees - it looked like a Mardi Gras theme.

We popped into a gift store and found some Stitch ears for Zepplyn.

Our buzzer went off so we headed back to eat.

There were some cool old cars there on display, like this one hanging from the ceiling.

And another - this one looked like an old mobster car.

My Honey.


They had a burger with blue cheese on it so you know that's what Jason ordered.
The Black and Bleu.

He was so good, he got a side salad with it.

I ordered the Ford's Signature burger but I got mine with a side of french fries.
I didn't eat them all at least.

My burger was fantastic, I mean, look at this.
I only ate half because I was kind of full for some reason but you know I took the other half home with me.

There was one of those slingshot rides right by the restaurant and I was hoping we'd see someone on it when we walked by and luckily we did.

Sling shot ride - No freaking way!
That would be terrifying.

After our meal, we went through the drive through over at Portilla's to get Declan a piece of their famous chocolate cake and we each got another shake.
I tried the chocolate covered strawberry one, it wasn't as good as the lemon one I'd had previously.

Haylee posted a bunch of pictures onto Facebook tonight so I'm going to share them here.

This was just outside of the Muppet theater and I did see it today but I didn't think to take a picture so I'm glad Haylee did.

Kody and Haylee.

Our little sweetie with her face painted.

This was in the Star Wars themed area of the park - I didn't even see it but I would have loved to.

A better picture of Buzz than what I got.

A better picture of Daisy and Donald too.

The entrance at Disney's Holllywood Studios.

The albino alligators at Gatorland.

A couple parrots at Gatorland.

They saw this racoon at Gatorland too.

There was this wooden path you could take through the trees at Gatorland - we did it too but I didn't get any pictures.

Zepplyn and Hunter at the house.

Zepplyn, Kody and Haylee.

This was on a random vehicle they saw.
Kind of creepy.

Out for a seafood boil - Haylee's favorite.

Kody about to get all juicy.

Playing in the pool.

Freya and Zepplyn.

Tacos at the food trucks.

This was the front of the building at World Food Trucks.

The shells Freya, Jason and I found on our Nature Walk at the resort.

Haylee and the Tower of Terror in behind there.

Now for some of Jen's pictures.

Rocking those Minnie ears.
I keep saying I'm going to get myself a pair and haven't yet.

The boys after a long day of fun.
Ethan got a light saber and Declan got his droid.

Now for some of Crystal's pictures.

Zepplyn and Woody.

Another picture of Daisy.

I didn't see this at Toy Story Land - Lookd pretty cool.


Zepplyn and and an all season snowman.

The Miss Piggy fountain again.

Woody and his handler.

They saw the Beauty and the Beast show too.

I'm sure this one was for Randie - he's a huge guitar fan.

She got a new Stitch.

The Tower of Terror from a differant angle.

Mickey shaped ice cream.

I think a good day was had by all.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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