Sunday 26 March 2023

Glorious Sunshine and then, The Spins (Mar.15, 2023)

Another sun-shiny day so you know I headed out there for a walk this morning.

It felt so nice to be out in the sunshine and fresh air - it is always such a mood boost.

It will be even nicer when all this snow is gone but I'll take what I can get.
I saw this great piece of advice online so I read it to the guys at break, ha ha.

Jason and Freya went for a walk and he posted this cute picture of Freya making snow angels.

When they got home, they did some playing - she loves getting into the Halloween props.

She also loves getting into my craft supplies.

Jason did call me to see if she could use some stuff and I said yes so she was picking out what she wanted.

Very popular new ride at our place.

Too dizzy to say hi.

She ended up doing some painting.
Her paintings are getting better, they aren't just blobs of all the colors mixed together.

At lunch time when I went home, it was so nice out that I asked Jason to go for a walk.
We headed to the store and on the way, we ran into Kody and Freya who were also out for a walk and of course she wanted to come with us.

So we took her to the store then headed home so I could go back to work.

I was feeling a little dizzy when we first headed out for the walk but I figured maybe I'd just stood up too quickly and that it would go away but it didn't.
It wasn't terrible but it was there the whole time.

Driving back to the office, it kind of got worse and I was thinking that maybe I should pull over and not drive but I took it slow and got to work.

I was sitting at my desk and I'd get the spins then I had to walk down to another office and I felt really off balance, like everything was going sideways.

I don't know why but then I started feeling really nauseous and I decided I'd better go home.
I didn't think I should drive so I called Jason to come and get me, he ended up running down here so he could drive me home in the car.

When I got home, I went directly to bed.
Jason took my blood pressure and it was high for me (130 over 84) but not high enough for concern.

There were a couple times that I had to dash to the washroom because I thought I was going to be sick but I didn't end up getting sick.
Freya was there and she was worried about me so she laid in the bed with me for a bit - she's so sweet.
She did eventually get up though and she and Jason played the night away.

After a couple hours, Jason brought me some saltine crackers to eat, they are so high in points but they made my belly feel better.
By about 7:30, I was feeling well enough to get up and go to the living room.
I wasn't nauseous anymore but I was still dizzy.
I was so close to getting my 13,000 steps and I wanted to try to get the rest but I would just get too dizzy when I stood up so I couldn't do it.

We watched part of an episode of the Spring Baking Championship but then Freya said she was tired so I took her to bed.

I was feeling better but I was tired and figured extra sleep couldn't hurt.

Hopefully I'll be feeling better tomorrow.

So I missed getting my steps all in today but I'll be back at it tomorrow.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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