Sunday 26 March 2023

Time to Face the Music and Mel's Disney Pics (Feb.27, 2023)

Weigh in Day otherwise known as "Time to Face the Music"

I was 221 lbs.
Not surprising because Jason and I weighed on the scale at the Publix in Florida on Friday and I was 221 then.
Not good but not too bad either - I just really need to get right back on track with WW and I am doing that today.

Overall, I'm up 8.4 lbs which for a 10 day trip is not that bad.
Time to get serious about taking it back off though.

Work was busy, I had to do payroll and it was due by 11 am so I got to work early and immediately got started on it.
It took me all morning but I got it done on time.

When I went home for lunch, I decided to shovel the driveway, walkway and sidewalk a bit.
We'd gotten some snow while we were away and it was really packed down.
I ended up spending my whole lunch hour at it and didn't even get it all done.
I had a section at the very end of the driveway that I wasn't able to get to but I figured I'd do that after work.

It was around -12 out there and sunny, not Florida weather for sure but better than the -30 to -35 temps they were having here while we were away.
Sure not sorry I missed that.

This afternoon I was chatting with Bonnie and Nadine called to say that the ambulance and fire truck were both at Kody's house and they had the road blocked off.
My heart just sank and I got so scared - I called them right away and turns out there was a smell of something burning in the house but they couldn't figure out what it was.
So they got everyone out of the house and the fire crew were in there checking things out.

It ended up being a book of my brothers that had gotten wet and he had sat it on the wood stove to dry out while we were away.
He lit the wood stove this morning and forgot to move the book and it was almost at the point of exploding into flame when they found it so lucky thing they got it.

The afternoon flew by - I started working on emails in my inbox - I didn't get very far, but I got a start.

It was still sunny out when I got home from work so I decided to get after the rest of the driveway.
The part I had to do was really packed down and thick and heavy.
I had to break it up then shovel it and it was a lot of work.
I managed to get most of it done but my back started to hurt so I had to give it up for the night.
I did get all of my steps in today plus some just from all the shoveling that I did.

I had a nice hot bath afterwards and uploaded all of my videos from our trip on YouTube.
Now I just need to work on blog catch up.
I did take the computer with us but didn't even turn it on not once.
I did take notes though to make it easier for myself.

Mel posted some nice pictures from the trip which I grabbed to share.

Meeting Minnie.

Alivia, Minnie, Hunter and Mel.

Hunter meeting Mickey.

Alivia, Mickey, Hunter and Mel.

Meeting Daisy.

I had to include this one because I love the look on Hunter's face.

Alivia, Daisy, Hunter and Mel.

And finally, Alivia's favorite, Ariel.
She was looking forward to seeing The Little Mermaid the whole time.

Hunter, Ariel and Alivia.

I wonder what Ariel is saying to Hunter here?

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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