Sunday 26 March 2023

Taxi For A Day (Mar.2, 2023)

It felt like a taxi day for me today, I had to drive Freya to school, pick her up after school then take her to dance this evening. 

Another little girl from town, Ella, goe to the same dance class in Barrhead as Freya and her mom asked if we could take her along with us so we did.
We've taken her once before so she wasn't shy with us or anything.

They have a recital coming up and their costumes came in so the teacher wanted them to try them on.
They look so darling!

The girls got stickers after they were done class.

Freya gave hers to Ella, so sweet.

We had a few stops to make after dance and we told the girls they could each pick out a toy at the Red Apple store.

They picked out rabbit ears and bunny tails and Ella wanted to wear hers right away.

The girls were getting along really well this trip (the last one, not so much).

Being silly.

A couple of little goofballs right there.

Dance Class, getting a new toy and eating!

Uncle Rob showed Freya some new moves.

And she's rocking them!

We took them to the new Dairy Queen in Barrhead and the girls had chicken strips, we had salads.
Then it was back home where we dropped both girls off before heading home so I could hop on the treadmill.
I still had A LOT of steps to get.

I just walked, I tried a bit of a run but my back is still a bit sore and running didn't hurt necessarily but it felt awkward and wrong so I just skipped it.

Got all my steps in though - I'm on a roll.

I kind of had the munchies in the evening but I had no points left so I had a sugar free jello, an orange and a handful of Jason's boom chicka pop.
That did the trick.
I have 4 days in on plan now - feeling good.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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