Sunday 26 March 2023

Another Birthday Celebration, This Time for Nadine (Mar.4, 2023)

Nadine's birthday is coming up right away so we decided to go to the city today for dinner and a movie to celebrate.

We left a bit later than normal, at 9:30 and I invited Morgan to join us.

The plan was that Jason was going to come in and meet us and then he and I would go to a movie and spend the night in city and Morgan would come back to town with Bonnie and Nadine so I packed my bag and left it with him and we were off.

He sent me this picture of Paddington with his tongue hanging out.

Several actually.

He said he had it hanging out for quite some time and he was starting to think that maybe something was wrong with him.

I think our cat is broken.

Eventually he gave it up though, goofy cat.

Jason ended up getting company too.
They were 'mixing' stuff - one of her favorite things to do.

He ended up watching her all day so our night in the city got derailed.

Showing off some of her new moves.

No biggie though - he loves spending time with Freya and we'll do it some other time.
Kody did come and pick her up at 5 when he got off of work so I didn't actually get to see her when I got home which I was kind of bummed about.

We did a little bit of shopping then went out for supper at 2 pm.
We went to Brown's Social House in St. Albert.
Morgan and I.

Bonnie and Nadine, the birthday girl.

I was planning on having a treat today but that was going to be my popcorn so I had a blackened chicken salad for supper.
I looked up the points afterwards and they were quite a bit higher than I thought but I did skip the croutons and the dates in the salad so hopefully that helped bring down the points a bit.

It was Morgan's first time at the St Albert theater with the reclining chairs and I think we've converted her.

We saw 80 for Brady.
It was ok, cute but a little far fetched so imagine my surprise when it showed at the end that it was base on a true story.

The drive home could have been better.
I got pulled over for speeding (which I normally don't do but we were talking and laughing and I just wasn't paying as close of attention as I should have been).
I had to do a breathalyzer for my very first time.

Morgan took a picture so we could have a momento of the very fun occasion.
The ticket was for 126 and I lost 2 points off of my licence.
I was more bummed that I broke my 31 year streak.

When I got home, I still needed some more steps so I went down and hopped on the treadmill.

I just walked and it took me nearly 40 minutes to get all of my steps in but I did it.

Then Jason and I started watching this new series he'd heard about, 1899.
We watched the first two episodes.
It's a little creepy and I'm really confused about what it going on but so far, I'm enjoying it.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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