Monday 27 March 2023

Longest Run For Me Since The Marathon (Mar.25, 2023)

I was up fairly early this morning, made myself a couple coffees and watched a couple episodes of Heartland.

I wanted to get out for a run today and I was hoping to run at least 5k.

I got ready and set out and while I had an idea of how far I'd gone, I didn't look at my fitbit at all.

I had a route planned out in my mind and decided I'd run it and then look at my fitbit to see how I did.
It ended up being just under 6.5k which I was really proud of.

I even conquered one of the tough hills so that's a big step in the right direction.
It's coming along slowly but it's coming and that's the main thing.

My exercise details.

My average pace and splits.

The snow is really going down - the highway is clear but the roads in town are still pretty covered.

We got a dusting of snow last night too so that made it even more treachourous since it covered up the ice and you couldn't tell where it was.

So I had to go really slow in some places - I definitely did not want to fall.
So my average pace is up in the 8's but that's perfectly fine with me.

My endurance is more important to me than my speed right now.

When I got home I grabbed my book and hopped in a nice hot bath.

I finished it off today.
It was just ok - I kind of didn't care about that characters that much - it wasn't pulling me back to finish reading it - but I did anyway.
I have a goal of reading 50 books this year and it's already the end of March and this is the first book I've read.
I need to get moving.

Mom wanted me to take her down to get some groceries this afternoon so I did and I picked up some brussels sprouts for supper.

I roasted the brussels sprouts in the oven, cooked up some halibut and made a salad to go along with it for our supper.
It's not often Jason comes home to a home cooked meal - he's normally the one who does all the cooking.
The fish was a bit on the dry side but not terrible.

It was such quiet day today - kind of relaxing.
I got mom's taxes done which I feel really good about - I always leave them to the last minute even though they are dead simple to do.

I also got a couple of blog posts from our Florida trip finished up and posted.
I have a couple more days to catch up on but my plan is to get those completed tomorrow.

My lower back was bothering me quite a bit today.
I'm not sure if its from shoveling or what but I could barely get up from the couch a few times it was so painful.
I hope it goes away soon.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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