Thursday 23 March 2023

Bike Ride, Gatorland and Portilla's. (Feb.20, 2023)

Another beautiful day here in Sunny Florida and I'm just loving every minute of it.
Jen and the boys were off to Discovery Cove today - she bought tickets a couple months ago so she got a pretty good price.
The rest of us would have liked to go but tickets were way to expensive so we all skipped it and we'll find something else to do today.
But first, Jason and I headed out to get some activity in.
He went for a run and I wasn't feeling a run so I hopped on the bike instead and ended up getting in just over 18k.
I loved it.

The exercise details for the bike ride. 

When we got back to the house, we all decided to go check out Gator Land - Mom wanted to see some alligators and we just thought the kids would like it so we piled into the vehicles and off we went.

There were tons of gators just lying there soaking up the sun.

Little bird perched on a net.

This little bird was brave, catching a ride on a gator.

Just as you entered the park, you could buy a couple of fish and they gave you this fishing rod type thing that you could put the fish on to feed to the alligators.

So Hunter was up first.

Mel and Hunter.

The alligators acutally jump up out of the water a bit to get the fish.

Next up was Alivia.

Alivia feeding the alligators.

So many alligators!

Freya having a go at feeding the alligators.

Haylee having a go at feeding the alligators.

Another brave bird although to be honest, those alligators all look pretty lazy.

After feeding the alligators, we walked further into the park and they had some other animals there, like snakes and this giant iguana with the cool red mohawk.

There were a couple of giant tortoises too that you could pay extra to feed if you wanted, we would have done it but they were taking the turtles in for a break from the sun.

There was a park there covered with a nice canvas thing for shade and Freya wanted to play there for a while so we sat and let her.

She made a little friend right away.

It was really hot so I didn't mind just having a seat for a bit.

Got My Honey to look this time.

After she finished playing, she had a look at the map to see where she wanted to go next in the park.

Big smile.

She wanted to go back and look at the tortoises again so that's where we went.

They are really cool looking creatures.

Then we were off to follow the blue brick road to see where that would take us.

It took us to Zepplyn.

They had some shows they put on with the alligators so we watched them and then we went to the cafeteria to get a bite to eat.

We met up with Mom, Rob and Morgan there.
I had a hot dog and it was super good.
Rob tried the alligator  - it was ok.

After we ate, we just did some more walking around the park.
Freya was looking at my phone so I didn't end up getting many pictures but we saw an enormous alligator and a couple of albino alligators - that was kind of cool.

They had a little train that went around the park and Mel, Alivia and Hunter checked that out.

The darn post is covering Alivia totally.

The train was moving so it was hard to get a picture, I tried again and I kind of got her.

They put on another show, it was a competition actually where there was an announcer and two guys and they were trying to see which of them could get the alligator to jump out of the water to eat the fish they were feeding them the fastest and highest.

It was cute.

We watched that then moved up to the front of the park as it was closing soon - it closed at 5 pm.

The alligators all just lay there and they look so slow and lazy.

It's deceiving because when they actually decide to move, they can be pretty quick.

Big gator on the move.

After Gatorland, we got to make a stop at my favorite place - Hobby Lobby!
We were all tired but it was near where we were so we figured we'd get it over with instead of trying to get through all the traffic to come back another time.
I got some greenery and some ribbon to make myself a wreath.

After we got home, we decided to go check out this pizza place Jason had seen yesterday when he was out riding his bike but for some reason, we couldn't find it so instead, we tried this place, Portillo's.
Jason had heard of it before, the chain is originally from Chicago and they are famous for their chocolate cake shakes.

It was a really huge place and it looked fairly new.
You order then you sit down and wait for them to call your number then go pick up your food at the window.

Waiting for our food.

Morgan came along with us.
As you can see, we had to try the chocolate cake shake - it was good.
They had a lemon cake shake too and I tried that one.

I got a burger and fries.

They make a meat sandwich as well that has pickled peppers and pickles and they are famous for that as well and that is what Jason tried.
The Italian Beef Sandwich.

It's stuffed with lots of meat.
It was really good - I'd go back for it again.

After we ate, we just went back to the house and hung out.
We are all off to Disney Hollywood Studios tomorrow (except Mom) so it's going to be a long, tiring day likely.

Crystal posted some pictures she took on Facebook so I thought I would share them here.

The entrance to Gatorland.

Zepplyn and Cuddles (a fake snake) - also at Gatorland.

They had a couple of parrots in Gatorland.

Zepplyn had a turn at feeding the alligators too.

Ha ha.

I used to have one of these when I was young and I just loved it!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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