Saturday 25 March 2023

Morning Walk, Bike Riding and Fabulous Weather (Feb.24, 2023)

Jason headed out early this morning for a run and the girls met him when he got back and wanted him to take them out for a run.

Zepplyn was all decked out in her Stitch wear and Freya had her Pikachu dress on.

The same picture, just all in color.
So adorable.

He must have been trying out different settings because the background is all blurred out here.

She's looking so serious here.

She found a stick.

It was a little foggy in the morning - it's been like this for the last few mornings but it takes no time at all to burn off.

I love this little hair style on her so much.

The girls joined Papa for a run.

They got a second wind.

Made it back to the house.

Back at the house, the girls got ready to go for a swim and Jason and I got ready to go for a run.

See, no time at all and the fog is all gone.

This is such a nice area and they keep it so nicely manicured.

There were squirrels everywhere.

Out riding.
We didn't have a particular route or anything, we just headed out and went whatever direction felt right.

An overpass we went on.

Biking in Orlando.

We stopped to take some pictures.

So much traffic all the time.

Jason got up close so you couldn't see the grating.

We went by some residential areas and this one off in the distance here looked like a high end kind of area.
It was on a golf course and the homes in it were huge and amazing.
We went for a drive through it just to have a look around.

We stopped back at the same gas station we stopped at the other day as well to get a drink and Jason saw this note in the men's bathroom.

Ha ha.

We ended up doing just over 30k and we both really enjoyed it.

The exercise details for our bike ride.

I'm so glad Jason thought to rent them for us - we really got a lot of use out of them.

When we got back to the house, Jason set them outside the door and the company we rented them from came back and picked them up.

Another squirrel.

Haylee wanted to go check out a second hand store so Jason and I, Kody, Haylee and Morgan all hopped in the van and went to check out the Goodwill.

I had a look around and there was a Publix grocery store next door that Jason and I went over to check out.

They had these white 'strawberries' so we bought them to try.
It seemed like we were eating unripened berries but they actually tasted not too bad.
I've since found out that they are actually called pineberries.

There was a blood pressure machine there so we both took our blood pressure.
This was my result.

Back at the house, the girls wanted to go for another walk so Jason and I took them.

Freya was wearing one of Jason's t-shirt as a dress.

I'm going to miss this place so much - it's been so nice.

They've been having super cold weather back home this week so we picked a really good week to come.

I could get used to this - gorgeous weather in Feb.
How soon can I move here, ha ha.

We found some pretty flowers that had fallen off the tree.

They kept running way ahead of us but we felt safe to let them.
We could always see them so we knew they were ok.

Back at the house, Freya made herself some snacks and set them all up in the bedroom.

It's kind of a bummer that we've come to the end of our vacation, we all go home tomorrow so we just chilled for the rest of the evening and enjoyed the place.

Haylee posted this picture of herself in front of Cinderella's castle.

Then Crystal posted a bunch of pictures as well which I'm going to share here.

Zepplyn in front of the castle.

Golden Dumbo.
They had all of these golden statues of different characters in celebration of Disney's 50th anniversary.
I wish I'd thought to get pictures of them.

Zepplyn and Freya 'meeting' Stitch.

Look how happy she is.

He did the thing where he made a heart with his fingers then he pointed at her - so cute.

Stitch close up.


Cool statue of Gaston.


Crystal and Zepplyn.

Goofy at the parade.
I can't believe I missed the parade - kind of bummed honestly.
I didn't see it last time we were here either.

Chip or maybe Dale.


Jiminy Cricket.

The Dwarves.



Sea creature maybe? Great costume.

Another sea themed costume.



Prince Charming and Cinderella.
What a great way to see a bunch of characters - I wish I'd know about - I think Freya would have enjoyed it.

Marching band.

Looks like they set off some fireworks after the show which we also missed.

From the Medieval Times the other night.

They all really enjoyed it.

Now some more of Haylee's pictures - in front of the castle again.

The castle looks so cool all lit up like that.

Kody and Haylee.

Freya - she got a couple Stitch things in the park and she wanted to show them to Stitch himself.
He was impressed.

King Triton.

These are from the Little Mermaid Ride they were able to take Freya on.


Another of Haylee by the castle.

They tried a Mickey shaped cookie.

Freya and Haylee.

They also went to the Country Bears show.

They also got to see some of the parade.




Belle and the Beast.

Haylee and Morgan.


Another picture from Medieval Times.

Freya enjoying a turkey leg there.
They don't give you utensils and you eat with your hands - I think the kids all liked that.

Freya and Daddy.

Haylee and Morgan.

Freya and Mommy.

Family photo.

Testing out the light saber that Haylee got.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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