Saturday 25 March 2023

The Magic Kingdom and Zepplyn's Dream Came True (Feb.23, 2023)

On the agenda for today, The Magic Kingdom.


You aren't allowed to stop and take a picture of this so Jason snapped one for me as we drove by.

We parked in the Peter Pan section - had to take a picture so I could remember.

We tried to get move and motorized scooter but they were all sold out so we got her a wheelchair instead and put her name on a waiting list.

You know you're there when you see it - Cinderella's Castle.

There was a show going on in there right as we arrived.

So we found a spot to sit and watch it.

Haylee got a wheelchair too - her foot isn't completely healed up and all the walking we've been doing has been hard and her foot has been bothering her a bit.

We could see Elsa, Anna, Olaf, Mickey and Minnie up there.

I think it was the exact same show that we saw when we were there last time but it was new for everyone else.

My girlie and I.

After the show, we kind of all split up and Jason and I took Freya with us and just started walking.

There were a lot of people in the park today.

Freya found a ride she wanted to go on right away and there was a bit of a wait but she said she didn't mind waiting so we went on it.
The wait didn't feel too bad.

She really liked that she could control us going up and down.

When we got off the ride, we were super hot and we found this little splash park so we cooled off a bit before continuing on.

We walked by the Country Bears show and it was just starting and there was no wait so we decided to check it out.

It was an animatronics show and it was kind of old fashioned but we still enjoyed it.

Freya was pretty entranced by it.

She was clapping and having a good time and I just enjoyed watching her.

These talking heads were a fun part of the show.

After the bears, we went and had something to eat.
While we were in there, Jen texted to say that they were over by Tomorrow Land and that they'd seen Stitch.
So we texted Crystal to let her know and we headed that way.

We could see him off in the distance but by the time we got there, he was gone and Buzz Lightyear was there instead.

So we asked a park employee if Stitch was coming back or how we could see him and she showed us how to look it up on the app.

Stitch was scheduled to come back in a half hour so we decided to stick around and wait.

The girls were front and center waiting for him when he did come back.

He noticed Zepplyn and so was interacting with her.

She was thrilled. - It was like her dream come true.
She was so worried about getting dressed this morning because she wanted to look good when she met him - she was sooooo excited.

You couldn't go up on the stage to actually meet him but he did pose for pictures and make hand signs and gestures to everyone who came over to see him.

Zepplyn's dream came true.

Stitch posing for my selfie.

Photobombed by Stitch.

Zepplyn stood right there and watched him the whole entire time he was out there.

I think it was most definitely the highlight of her day.

From there, we all kind of split up again.

We headed over to where the Little Mermaid ride was - the line-up was way too long to wait in but we did get a picture of Freya with King Triton.


We did walk over to the Circus area so I could get one of the sprinkle biscuits I had last time we were here that I liked so much.
They didn't have a sprinkle one but they did have chocolate chip so I tried that instead.
It was good but not what I really wanted.

We took Freya to the Splash Park for a little bit but it randomly turns off for quite some time so she lost interest.
There was a kid roller coaster there and the line up was pretty short so I offered to take her on that but she didn't want to go on it.

We just kind of walked around.

Stopped and had a frozen banana.
Freya really liked it so we got her a second one.

She was watching videos on my phone and so my phone ended up dying and I had no way to recharge it so no more pictures for the rest of the day for me.

We met up with Jen and them - went on the tea cup ride with Jen and the boys and Freya.
I felt bad that Morgan had been pushing Mom around in the wheelchair so I took over for a bit.

We all went into one of the 3D movie rides and Mom came in with us.
I'm glad she got to go to at least on one ride.

She was hot and tired and so was everyone else - they just weren't feeling it today.
So I called Rob - he had driven to see Cape Canaveral today and Coco beach but he was on his way back (he had Jen's rental van) so he said he would stop by and pick them all up.

Kody and Haylee had made reservations at a restaurant for later in the evening and I wanted to see the fireworks so we all stayed and Crystal and Zepplyn stayed with us.

They were all able to go on a few rides at least - they took Freya on the It's a Small World Ride.

Then they went to their reservation and we took Freya and met up with Crystal and Zepplyn to find a spot to watch the fireworks show.

They kept ushering us all to Main Street to the exits - it was kind of annoying.
There were lots of spots where we could have had a good view but they wouldn't let us stand there.

When we finally did find a spot, we could see the fireworks ok but we couldn't see the show on the castle at all so it was really disappointing.
Freya slept through the whole thing and Zepplyn could barely see because everyone was taller than her and they were all standing right in front of her.
Everyone was only concerned about themselves.

Jason ended up holding her up so that she could see but it really left a bad taste in my mouth.
So much for the guest experience being Disney's number 1 priority.

Kody and Haylee had finished up their meal so we looked around in the shops for a bit while we were waiting for them to catch up with us.

I didn't buy anything at all - it was far too expensive.

So I left feeling kind of disappointed with the experience.
I would say that if we ever come back again, I will pay the extra for the genie passes and maybe do some research to find out when the least busy time is here because today the line ups were so long that we didn't even get to really go on any rides.

I also still want to take Freya to the Bibidi Bobidi Boo Boutique and let her be a princess for a day.
She seemed indifferent to the whole experience of the theme park, but I'm not sure if she was sensing our disappointment or what.
She would have been happy just doing whatever.
I do think she would like the princess for a day though or maybe I'm the one that would enjoy it but either way - it won't be happening any time in the near future.

By the time we got back to the house, most everyone was in bed.
Mel was packing up, her and the kids are flying out tomorrow - it's the best flight she could find.
It's too bad that they have to go home a day earlier but I am glad they were able to come and I hope they enjoyed their time here. 

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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