Thursday 30 March 2023

Morgan Turns 24! (Mar.29, 2023)

 Jason was off today but he was going out to work anyway to fix up a meal for a going away party and he decided to run out there.

Just a short 21k run to start his day.

I'm so impressed by him - I wish I was that far along in my running.

I am not going to do any running today because of my back but I did leave the car home at lunch time and walk back down to the office.

We are having everyone over for supper tonight so I knew I'd be busy and I wanted to get some of my steps in before then so I'm not left having to walk on the treadmill for a couple hours after they go.

Everyone started showing up right around 5ish.

I had cooked up a meatloaft and a birthday cake for Morgan and Jason made pizzas.

Trying to get pictures of everyone is tough.
Both Rob and Hunter aren't looking.

Hunter still isn't looking and now Alivia's eyes are closed.

Finally Hunter it looking but now Kody isn't.

Now everyone is looking but Kody is behind Haylee.

Oh I give up!

Jason and Zepplyn sat out at the little table but Zepplyn refused to look for a picture.
Oh well.

I didn't make any sides for all the meat we had but everyone seemed to be ok with that.

I think good pictures just weren't in the cards for me today.

The birthday girl turned 24 today.

Happy birthday to you!

Since it's a week night everyone went home fairly early except Freya and Zepplyn.
They were having a sleep over (it is March break for the kids this week so they have no school).
It will be Zepplyn's first time staying with us so we'll see how it goes.

Auntie Zepp was giving Freya piggy back rides.
Freya wanted on her shoulders and Zepplyn wanted to do it too but I think they are still a bit little of that.

They were downstairs playing with Jason and found the Halloween stuff.

Zepplyn got dressed up too - she's Stitch.

She looks pretty cute in this costume.

We dragged the mattress from our spare bedroom up to the living room floor thinking the girls could sleep there.
I thought Jason and I could lay on the couchs until they fell asleep then we could get in our bed.

The girls just weren't falling asleep though so I got on the mattress with them and told Jason to just head to bed.
That only lasted a few minutes before the girls decided the mattress was uncomfortable and they'd rather sleep in the room with Jason.
They were right, the mattress was uncomfortable.

So we all headed to the bedroom - we were all going to try sleeping in the bed but Zepplyn decided she wanted to sleep on the floor so I made her a bed out of the couch cushions and made her a cozy little bed and she was quite happy there.

It was super late when we finally got them settled and going to sleep - I'm so going to pay for this in the morning but it was my idea so I'll just have to suck it up.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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