Sunday 26 March 2023

Massage Booked Right On Time (Feb.28, 2023)

I really did a number to my back yesterday - it is really sore today.
I tried doing some stretches and it helped a little but I'm in rough shape.

We got more snow today so when I got home at lunch time, everything I'd cleared off yesterday had a skiff of snow over it.
The anal part of me really wanted to shovel it but the logical part of me know that I'd just end up wrecking my back even more so I just left it.

Instead I went down and walked on the treadmill for part of my lunch hour.
I'd had meetings this morning so I didn't get out for a walk and I have a massage today right after work so I knew I was going to have to work to get my 13,000 steps in.

I'm pretty tanned up from our trip but the light in the basement makes me look red.

How fortunate that I had a massage booked today.
She spend a lot of time working on my back and it felt a lot better when I left there.

I had cooked up some chicken breasts in the slow cooker today then I cut up a bunch of veggies and cooked some quinoa to make some chicken bowls for supper.

I added some bbq sauce and ranch dressing and it was really good.
I may or may not have left the paper at the bottom of the chicken when I put it in the slow cooker so I may or may not have had to fish that all out after it cooked but a little paper never hurt anyone, Right?!

I needed about 3000 more steps after supper so I just kind of walked around the living room and walked on the spot until I got it.
It took me a bit and likely a walk outside or on the treadmill would have gotten the job done faster but I just didn't feel like doing that.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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