Sunday 26 March 2023

Weigh In Day and Lunch Time Snuggles (Mar.6, 2023)

Weigh in day today.

I've been weighing myself pretty much every morning this week so I had a pretty good Idea where I was going to be.

I was 214.6.
I think I might have been a bit lower if I'd made better choices yesterday but I technically was still on plan and only used a few of my weeklies.
I just hate using them the day right before weigh in.

I was still down 6.4 lbs since last weigh in and I'm still following plan so I do feel good about that.

Jason had a little visitor this morning - we picked up some pencil crayons for her yesterday becasue she loves to draw but has a terrible habit of leaving the covers of the markers and we are constantly throwing them away.
She said she liked the pencil crayons so that may have to be here medium going forward.

He sent me another picture later in the morning, she was on her second omelet.

I was so happy to see her at lunch time.
Jason went out for a run and I got all kinds of snuggles.

I just love that little face.

She got me to smile so she could take my picture then she showed me this.
She just loves tricking us this way.

She did take a real selfie of all of us when Jason got back from his run and before I had to head out to work.

I was quite busy at work today and it was -20 out and windy so I didn't get out for any walks.
That meant I had A LOT of steps to get in.
I did some walking around upstairs for a bit then Mom asked me to take her over to her friend Darlene's for an hour.
So I dropped her off and went back and hopped on the treadmill.

I walked for pretty much the whole hour then I headed back to pick her up.
I still had another 1000 steps to do at that point but I did them upstairs.

I did chat with Darlene for a bit when I picked up Mom.
She just lost her brother on the day we left for Florida actually and they were very close so she is having a rough time with it.

I'm glad Mom was able to go over there to see her.
Mom had been pretty sick with a cold herself and just recovering from the seizure so she's not been well enough to go anywhere.
I'm happy to see that she is on the mend finally.

Jason and I watched all the remaining episodes of 1899 tonight.
It was really good - it didn't really explain everything but I still liked it.
Apparently the director's were hoping to get a couple more season's in but it got cancelled unfortunately.
Maybe it will get picked back up by someone else.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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