Sunday 26 March 2023

New Running Plan and Grocery Trip (Mar.5, 2023)

 We decided to go to Whitecourt today to get a few groceries but I wanted to hop on the treadmill first and get a workout in.

I had run a bit last night when I was getting my steps in and it felt good so I wanted to get an actual run in today.

I had planned on going outside but it was -20 out there which is just too cold for me so instead and went down and hopped on the treadmill.

I just ran slow and my only goal was to just run for 30 minutes - no particular distance, just whatever felt good for 30 minutes.

I actually enjoyed the run today.

As you can tell, I kind of fell of the training plan I was following for the half marathon at the end of April.

I still may try to run it but I think I'm not going to follow any plan, I'm just going to run whatever feels good so running feels fun again and not like a chore.

If I can't complete the half marathon, I'm not going to beat myself up, I'll just try for another one later on in the year.

Jason is braver than I and did go out for a run in the cold weather and after he got back, we headed to Whitecourt and Morgan came with us.

We got a bunch of groceries, mainly fruit and veggies but a few other things that we needed too.

I found this coffee creamer in Barrhead yesterday and I love it so I was looking every where for more of it today and it is a limited edition but couldn't find any.

I may have to make a special trip to Barrhead just to get some more.

It's only 1 pt for 2 tbsp which is amazing.

We ended up going out for supper in Whitecourt at Original Joe's.

Jason and I.
I had a Virgin Caesar and it was so yummy that I ended up ordering a second which I don't normally do.
Even without the alcohol they are still a few points each.

The salad options all had avocado, nuts and other high point ingredients so I opted to get a beef dip instead with a salad and veggies and dip.
I found the points value for it and it was high (24) so I only ate half and took the rest home for Mom.
We did order the brussel sprouts though which I think are deep fried, an order of those is 14 points and we 'shared' but really, I ate most of them.

Then when we got home, Jason made a couple of pizzas.

I ended up have a little slice off each one just to try them - They were delicious.

I was kind of bummed afterwards though because tomorrow is weigh in and I was trying to be really good this week.

I tracked it all and I did stay within my points allotment - I did use a few weeklies but that shouldn't matter, I should be able to, that's what they are there for.

Guess we'll see at weigh in tomorrow. 

We watched 2 more episodes of 1899 before heading to bed and I had a little cuddle buddy for the whole time.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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