Monday 27 March 2023

Countertop Shopping (Mar. 24, 2023)

Bonnie and I planned on heading to Whitecourt this afternoon with Nadine to look at some countertops for her new place.

So at lunch time, I drove home and walked back down to the office.

That way I could get some steps in and also when we got back to town later, I could get them to drop me off directly at home instead of having to transfer stuff into my car at work then get it all out again to haul into the house.

I was just planning on walking down in the morning and not bringing my car at all but I had a box of stuff I wanted to drop off at the second hand store so I needed to get that down to the office.

Plus Dustin was bringing me eggs today so I had to get those home.


I did make a short list of a few things I needed.

Cat food is getting more and more expensive all the time.

Ever since he had his issue with the crystals in his urine, we've been buying this high PH stuff from the vet. I guess it's just salty which makes him drink more which keeps him flushed out.

The first time we got it, it was right around 100 for a bag and today when I got it, it was 140.

Karl was at the hardware picking up the flooring he and Nadine had picked out so we met him there and we all looked at the countertops.

We ended up picking it out really quickly - amazingly, we all agreed.

We also picked out a sink and tile for the back splash - I think it's all going to look really good when it's completed.

We stopped at Walmart afterwards to get a few groceries and things then since we were in town, we decided to go have some supper at Original Joe's.

Bonnie is following the Atkins Diet right now, she's doing really well too.
She stayed on plan and ordered a salad that was low in carbs.

Nadine and I.
I also ordered a salad - when I looked it up, it was a lot of points, 23 actuallly which is my daily allotment.
I skipped the avocado that came with it and changed out the blue cheese dressing for a balsamic vinegrette so I think that helped a little bit.
I'm not sure looking at it why it was so high in points - it did have bacon so maybe that bumped it up.
In any case, I don't think it was a bad choice and it tasted delicious - I cleaned my plate.

Paddington lays in the funniest ways.

I needed some more steps when I got home so Jason and I went for a walk.
Freya and Haylee are gone to the city for the weekend with Crystal and Zepplyn so it's going to be a quiet weekend.
Maybe I'll actually get some stuff done.
Ha ha.

I sure am.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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