Sunday 26 March 2023

Finally, Spring is in the Air. (Mar.20, 2023)

 Weigh in Day Today!

I wasn't sure how it was going to go but I weighed in at 211.2 lbs.

That's down .4 lbs from last week which isn't a huge number but after indulging a little bit over the weekend, I'll take it.
I woke up with a terrible headache and it was close to lunch time before it actually cleared up.

I didn't get out for a walk this morning so my plan was to walk back to the office at lunch time then walk home after work.
Freya was over when I got home though and everything was chaotic for a bit so by the time I was ready to go, it was too late for me to walk and I had to drive.

She was trying to love on Professor Snuggles but he wasn't into it.

Jason went for a run and took Freya with him in the bike trailer then afterwards, she wanted to out for lunch so he took her to Swan Palace.

While they were out, Papa got her a giant Ferrero Rocher chocolate.

Since I didn't get a walk in in the afternoon either, I decided to leave my car at the office and walk home from work then change into my running stuff and run back down to the office to pick up the car.

Jason and Freya walked down and met me and we all walked home together.
Spring is definitely in the air but if the snow would melt a bit faster that would be nice.

I did run back down to the office to get the car.
I ran down the highway because it's nice and clear, no ice or snow.
It was only 2k but it is better than nothing and I have to start somewhere.
I might make this a daily thing.

My exercise details.

My average pace and splits.
It was mainly a downhill run so lots of room for improvement here but again, just have to start somewhere.

Freya was really stuck to Jason today and wouldn't let him leave her side.
He had to play with her all night.
Kody dropped by to pick her up when he got off work but she wanted to spend the night and so we let her.

I did convince her to leave Jason's side long enough to give her a bath and wash and braid her hair.

Then while they played, I watched some Home Town and Spring Baking Championship.

Then suddenly Jason announced that it was 10:40 and I couldn't believe we'd stayed up so late.
So we went to be right away but getting up in the morning might be tough.

Mel posted this oldie of Alivia and Hunter and all I can say is Awwwwwwww!

My sister is thinking about coming to Alberta this summer so I sent her Jason's days off and I hope she can come.
I would love to see them.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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