Sunday 26 March 2023

House Shopping and Date Night with My Honey (Mar.18, 2023)

We were heading to the city today but first we were stopping in Westlock to have a look at a few more listings that Jason's mom wanted us to check out.

Freya wanted to tag along but we figured it wouldn't be that fun for her.

I told her I'd take her to the store on the way home and she could pick out any treat that she wanted and she was good with that.

She picked out a small bag of chips for herself then a large bag of the same kind for Kody and Haylee to share then she also got some pringles and some cupcakes.

When we pulled into their driveway she exclaimed to me that she loved her house.

It is so much easier on me when I take her home and she isn't upset and crying.

So after we dropped her off, Jason and I headed to Westlock. 

We met the realtor at the first place.
it was cute, this is the back of it.
It did need a bit of work but the back yard was nice and private.

The second place wasn't as private but the inside was really nice, very move in ready.
Jason took very thorough videos of both which he'll send to his mom - hopefully one of them works out but if not, that's ok too - we can always come back and look at more.

Just an example of one of the videos he took, this was at the second house.

From there we continued on into the city.
We'd already decided that we were going to have a treat while we were there and Jason found this spot that looked pretty good so we headed over.
Donna's Eatery.

It was like a true diner, looks like it's been here for a long time.
They are famous for their club sandwich and pictures of their burgers on social media looked good as well so we ordered on of each to share.
We skipped the fries and got salads to go with them.

My Honey - I love getting to spend time with him in the city - I truly enjoy his company so much.

Our food came out and this was the club sandwich.

I mean, come on, the sandwich was just about as big as my head.

The club sandwich and the salad that came along with it.
The salad was really nice and fresh.

I just couldn't get over the size of that sandwich though!

It was huge and filled with alfalfa sprouts which I love.

The Swiss Mushroom burger looked pretty impressive as well.

A quick video of the burger.

I wasn't as impressed with how the burger looked when I cut it open.
And to be honest, when I tasted it, it didn't really knock my socks off.
I would highly recommend the chicken club though, I ate all of my half of it and we only ended up being able to eat one of the salads so we took the other one to go.

From there, we headed to the West Edmonton Mall.
I needed to get some steps in so we figured we could walk the mall, do some shopping and get some steps in at the same time.

They have an animal exhibit that must be new because I've never seen it before.

It had the fastest turtle that I've ever seen, he was moving!

I've been wanting to see the new Avatar movie in 3D ever since it came out.
We saw the first one in 3D and it was the best 3D movie that I've ever seen.
We finally decided to do that today and it wasn't in regular theaters anymore but it was playing at the Telus Science Center in the Imax theater so Jason got us tickets.

Ready for the show to start.
It did not disappoint, it was such a great movie.
I was worried because it was 3 hours so I thought it might feel long but it didn't at all.

We did have popcorn but after the movie, we were both a bit hungry.
The burger we'd had for a treat earlier was kind of disappointing so we decided to try again and went to a spot we knew would be good.

Woodshed Burgers.

I had the Ben Burger - named after a young Edmonton Oilers fan that ended up dying of cancer.
So 1 dollar from every one of these burgers sold goes to his charity.
It was super good - just had lettuce, onions, pickles, bacon and ketchup on it.

Jason had The Smurf which is a blue cheese burger and he loved it.

There is this little park right next to it that it all lit up and it's so pretty.

From there we headed over to our hotel.
We stayed at the Staybridge this time - we've stayed there lots and we really like it.
Their pillow are wonderful.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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