Sunday 26 March 2023

Our Vacation Has Come to An End, Boo Hoo (Feb.25, 2023)

So we had to pack up and leave our VRBO today, so sad.
I ended up having to throw out a lot of food which I felt bad about but what else could we do?

We had to be out by 10 and Jen, the boys, Mom, Rob and Morgan all headed straight to the airport.
They were all flying out early this afternoon.

The rest of us weren't flying out until 9 pm tonight so we still had the whole day ahead of us to spend in the nice weather.

The first thing we did was head back to the big McDonald's.
Kody and Haylee wanted to see it and we figured the girls would like it too.

We ate and then the girls went up to play in the big play area.

While they were playing, Kody and Haylee stayed there with them and Jason, Crystal and I went looking for a Home Goods to get suitcases. 
Crystal and I each needed another suitcase to get all the things we bought here back home.

Home Goods had tons of cool things but no suitcases so we ended up heading to a Ross and we found suitcases there.

We went back to the McDonalds and I did some rearranging and packed up the new suitcase then we headed over to the Crayola Experience.

They have a bunch of giant Markers and crayons and stuff outside the entrance.

Great photo props.

The giant crayons look pretty cool.

The admission price was right around 30 bucks per person which I think was very reasonable.
Each person got I think 2 tokens with their admission to use inside.

The first thing you could use a token for was to name your own crayon.
You picked the color that you wanted, created the name then it printed out the paper and gave you a naked crayon that you could put it on.

This was Freya's.

Jason was a little more imaginative with his crayon color name.

They had the world's largest crayon there on display and a few kiosks where you could take a photo and add yourself to a scene that you could then print off and color.

There was a modeling clay kiosk.
There were all different colors of modeling clay and a token got you one package.
You could also purchase more tokens to buy more clay if you wanted.

There were all kinds of tables all around with tools on them so you could create clay creations.
Jason made a little wizard.

He made a cool little monster.

I made me a little centipede type creature.

Then Freya crushed everything.

After playing with the modeling clay, Freya moved onto coloring.
They had all kinds of crayons there that you could use.

This was the picture she printed off to color.

They had this 'Be a Star' station where you could take some pictures of yourself and add some funny features.

The camera's were aimed a bit high so I had to hold Freya up to do it.

Then once you saved your picture, they showed it up on the wall and it would kind of move all over the place.

This is Freya chasing her picture around.

She really liked it so we did it a couple times.

Kody and Haylee joined us for some crafting.

They created some pictures to color too.

There was another station with paints so we did that.

They had little critters that you could paint and you could get one of those with your token.
We thought we could get 3 for Freya and we did but they only had 1 critter that you could choose.
There were others but you had to guy those.

They had some other stations as well, you could make a picture with a melted crayon - it spun the paper around and the crayon melted onto it so it made a pattern.

Another station you could melt a crayon then mold it into something.
Haylee and Freya made a ring.

There was a giant play gym thing too that the girls played in for a while.

All in all - I think it was well worth the money and Freya really enjoyed it.
I think we all did.

When we finished up in there, we went out to put our stuff in the van.
The Crayola Experience is inside of a mall and it's fairly close to the airport so we figured we'd just hang out here for the rest of the day until we had to head back to the airport.

We took some more pictures with the Crayon props outside.
Freya got caught.

Now purple crayon got them both.

Freya helped catch Zepplyn.

Just another of them both in the net.

Red crayon and I.

Get in the picture with me Papa.

The girls with Red Crayon.

Being silly.

We headed back into the mall - it was a nice mall.
One store had this character from Ghostbusters.

And one of Freya's favorites, PennyWise.

At the food court, Jason got a bowl of ramen.
I got another truffle burger from Shake Shack.

Then we also tried a few desserts, this passionfruit tart.

And tres leches - I can never pass that up if I see it.

Then it was time to head over to the airport so back to the van we went.


Morgan helped me straighten my hair yesterday and I'm surprised it's stayed so well with the humidity here.

When we got to the airport, we dropped off the van then made our way over to our gate.
We were supposed to fly out at 9 but we were late leaving by about an hour.
We got into Toronto around 1 am, our plan was to just head to our gate and maybe get some sleep because we weren't flying out to Edmonton until 6 am.

The section where our gate was didn't open until 3 am though so we had to find a place to hang out until then.
We found a spot that had a couple places open where we could get some food and we just waited there until we were able to get to our gate.

Jason and I walked the airport a bit so I could get my steps in then we left for Edmonton right on time.
I'll stop there and pick back up on tomorrow's post when we arrived in  Edmonton.

I was looking at Jason's pictures and he had a few that he took that I liked so I'm going to share them here.

Freya ready for some pool time,

Haylee and the girls in the pool.
How many people can we fit in one floatie?

Freya and Zepplyn in the pool.

We had lots of pool toys that we had to leave behind but at least we got some use out of them before that.

I loved our vacation.
I wish we could make this an annual thing but it was an expensive vacation.
I loved having the pool, the weather and being together with everyone.

The traffic and line ups at the theme parks were not my favorite but I think I wouldn't make the theme parks the main part of my trip if we ever came back.

I'm really going to miss the warmth and sunshine but at least we have another vacation coming up in April so I do have that to look forward to.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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