Sunday 26 March 2023

Whitecourt, Movie and Family Dance (Mar.11, 2023)

They were having a pancake breakfast at the Keyano Center this morning for Swancicle days and Kody and Haylee were going with Crystal and Zepplyn so I dropped Freya off to them at 10 then Morgan and I headed to Whitecourt.

Jason was preparing for his Sunday lunch at work and he made this chocolate peanut butter pie that looks amazing.

Morgan and I did some shopping at the second hand store and Walmart then we went to Edo for some lunch.

I had the chicken and shrimp teriyaki bowl and you have the option to get cauliflower rice (which I did) so pretty good points wise - just the teriyaki sauce really.

It tasted really good too.

Morgan had the Chop Chop bowl which also looked really good.
I love edamame - I think I'll get that next time.

Adrien just watched a show about Veganism and he wants to try eating Vegan for a couple months and Morgan is going to join him.
So she picked up a few vegan things for them to try.
Kudos to them!

When I got home, I shoveled the walkway, driveway and sidewalk - I am ready for winter to be over.
Just as I was finishing up, Kody texted to say that Freya wanted to come back over so I told him to bring her on over.

I picked up this mask at the dollar store for her and she colored it.
She really made sure every part was covered.

Then she decided to do that back of it as well.
I love the eyelashes she puts on all of her stuff.

I had picked up this two piece pant set for her and she saw it this morning and wanted to put it on.
It was kind of summery but she insisted.

I did pick her up a few things at the second hand store today that she liked so I got them washed and ready for her to wear tonight.
They were having a movie and a dance tonight at the Keyano Center and we were planning on going to that.
We met Haylee, Crystal and Zepplyn down there for the movie.
They played Barnyard and Freya wasn't that interested so I spent most of the time following her around the keyano center.

They had a photo booth set up with all these props and it opened up after the movie so Haylee and Freya went and got ready to have their pictures taken.

I got he to try on the orange wig and I thought it looked so cute on her.

Then Haylee went and picked up Kody for the fireworks.

We drove over and parked behind the town office by the old fire station to watch them and it was a perfect spot.

I didn't take any pictures - I just borrowed this one from someone in town who posted them.
For a small town, they really put on a great fireworks show.

Then we headed back over to the keyano center for the family dance.
Freya's little friend, Dakota, was coming and she was really excited.

She informed me that he was her boyfriend and she was old enough to have a boyfriend now that she is 4.
She was like a giggling teenager with a big crush - it was kind of sweet.

They wouldn't talk to each other but kept running around but looking back to make sure the other was watching.

They did some dancing.

And laughing.

There were quite a few people there dancing and everyone was having a good time.

Freya, Kody and Haylee.

Crystal was with us too.

A rite of passage - learning the Macarena.

Haylee taught the girls.

They did a good job.

Picked it up pretty quickly.

Swinging those little hips.

By 9pm I was tired so I headed home then at 10 when the dance ended, Kody texted to say that Freya wanted to come spend the night so I told him to bring her over.

We went to bed pretty much as soon as she got there.
I read her a few stories - I'd picked up a couple new ones at the second hand store today so I got to read her those  - it was a nice change since she normally picks the same ones for me to read to her every single time!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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