Monday 27 March 2023

Taking it Easy (Mar.26, 2023)

It was my usual this morning, coffee and tv.

I got caught up on a few of the vloggers I like to watch.

Meanwhile at work - Jason was cooking up donair meat for the guys.

He made a lot of it.

It looks like it turned out really well.
I asked him to bring me home a slice to try.

Yum Yum.

It was a bit colder outside today than yesterday so I was kind of flip flopping on whether or not I wanted to go out there.
I thought maybe I'd just get on the treadmill but my back was still hurting and sometimes the treadmill aggravates it so ultimately I decided to go outside.

I've been running down the highway because it's nice and clear (from snow and ice) but this is also the time that the bears are waking up and a hungry bear is the last thing I want to meet up with on a run so I decided to stick to an in town route today.

The roads are really icy and my back was sore so I wasn't sure how much running I was going to do, if any.

I started off walking then when I felt warmed up, I just started running.
I started my activity tracking and ran .6k.
Then I walked for a bit but I just left the activity tracking going.
I walked for 1.4k then at 2k, I started running again.
I ran until I hit 4.4k so now I had a total of 3k (running) then I walked for a bit again.
I did one more short section of running, .55k to be exact then I walked the rest of the way home.

So out of the 6k I logged, 3.55 of that was running and the rest was walking.

My exercise details.

My average pace and splits.
You can really see the difference between when I was walking and running.
I normally don't like to walk and run like this - I always want to push myself to keep running, no walking.
But I'm not sure why - it's all activity and if I have to run and walk, so what?

My back was really hurting when I got back to the house so I had a hot bath again then I got my heating pad out and sat on the couch with it.

I did get my Florida posts all finished up and posted - it feels so good to be all up to date with the blog.
Just in time for us to go away again but at least this trip is only half the time.
Shouldn't take me as long to get caught up upon our return.

I always take the computer with us when we go on trips so I can try to keep caught up but I never end up using it so it's like we are dragging it along for no reason so I think this time, I'm going to leave it at home.

After I got the blog updated, I started a new book.
A New Day at Tanglewood.
It was a pretty easy read and I ended up reading the whole thing this afternoon.
Apparently it is a series and this isn't the first book in the series.
Maybe I'll have to see if I can find the others and read those as well.
I did like the characters.

I didn't do much else except laundry.
My back is really bothering me so tried to take it easy.

I had leftovers for supper today and then Jason did bring me home some donair meat and I ate all of it with the donair sauce he made too.
I went over my daily points allotment but not my weekly extras but I'm sure it will still have an affect on my weigh in tomorrow.
Losing weight is tough but I'm not quitting.

Alivia had dance competition in the city this weekend and they won silver.

She has another in April and I'm going to be in the city that weekend because Freya has a dance competition too so I'll be able to see Alivia dance then.

Haylee and Crystal are going to the city for the whole weekend and invited me to come along so I've booked a room and I'm looking forward to it.

Jason has to work but maybe I'll see if Morgan wants to join us for the weekend.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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