Sunday 26 March 2023

It's Official, Grand Baby #2 Is On The Way! (Mar.23, 2023)

I was watching Tik Tok this morning and I saw a video on doing a bun a different way than I normally do that is supposed to give it more volume so I gave it a try this morning and it kind of worked. 

Also - I put some earrings on today and I kind of liked it.
I rarely wear them, I'm not sure why?
I used to be into big earrings like hoops and dangly things which I don't like any more but I'm kind of digging these little circles I found in my stash.

Alivia had a dance competition in the city today.
I wish I could have been there.
I think she has another one in April thought and I'm hoping to attend that one.

We kept getting these snow squalls out of nowhere this afternoon then they would leave as quickly as they came so I was waffling back and forth on whether or not I should try to run outside or if I should just go home and get on the treadmill.

Ultimately, when it was time to go home, the snowing had stopped and thes sun was back so I left the car at the office and walked home.
Then I changed into my running gear and ran back down.
In my mind I was planning to just get back to the car and not try to get further than yesterday but I knew as soon as I got out there, I would scratch that and try for further and I did.

It was tough but I made it to the next lamp post after the office turn off before turning back.
It's a long, uphill stretch so it's very tempting to skip but the hills are good training for me.
I ended up with 3k today.
Baby steps are better than no steps at all.

My exercise details for todays little run.

My average pace and splits.
That last second really threw out the average but overall, I'm pleased.

Morgan was going to look at a house for rent tonight so she asked Mom and I to come along.
It's a really nice house at the top of the hill.
I think the heat and electric are going to be super high but she wants to give it a try and she's determined so I think she'll do it.

It isn't available until June 1st and it's also on the market for sale so it may not happen but if it does, I'll be happy for her.

I had some cabbage soup for supper that I doctored up with some lentils and ground beef.
It was really good, a little on the salty side - I added too much seasoning salt.
Still good though.

Haylee said her appointment went well today, she's 8 weeks along so her due date is Nov.2.
So it's official, I have a new grand baby on the way and I'm very excited.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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