Sunday 26 March 2023

Vaccination Shots Aren't Fun (Mar.1, 2023)

The days are starting to get longer and I love it!

It was chilly out but the sun was shining so I made sure to get out for a short walk this morning to enjoy some of it.

The sun shining on the hoar frost was so pretty.

The fresh air is always so good for the soul.

Haylee came in to work with me this morning then Kody got called out to work so dropped Freya off with Jason.

He had boiled some eggs and she found them and wanted to color them so they did.
Easter is going to be here soon anyway, right?

They turned out really pretty.
When I went home for lunch, she insisted that I have one.

She had an appointment in the afternoon to get her vaccination shots and Kody had to work late so I ran Haylee up there.
She made it through the first shot ok but she needed a second one and she did not want it at all.
I ended up going in the room with them and I held her while the nurse did it.

She wasn't happy with any of us but she got some nice bandaids and some stickers so that helped a little.
I told her I'd take her to the store and she could buy anything at all that she wanted but she didn't want anything at that point.

She felt like she'd been very wronged though and wanted Papa.
So I took her back over there, Haylee starts back at the bar tonight and wanted to get a short nap in before work anyway.

She was feeling better by later in the afternoon and Papa ended up taking her to the store and buying her a new toy and she & he played 'store' all afternoon.

She got lots of kitty cuddles in too.

She gave him lots of pets.

And lots of kisses.

And he actually stuck around although he is giving the camera quite the look there, ha ha.

I've been doing really well following WW, tracking my points and staying within them.
I found this recipe on WW Connect that another Weight Watcher posted and it sounds good so I'm going to give it a try.

We got more snow today, just a skiff really and Jason cleared off most of the driveway but when I got home from work, I went out to clear off the rest and to get the sidewalk done.
Jason and Freya ended up coming out to help so it went really quickly.

I had an FCSS meeting at 7 and needed some steps so walked down to it.
It went a bit long tonight and after it finished, I kind of walked the long way around to get home because I still needed steps.

It was about 8:40 when I got home and I still needed 1500 steps but I just walked around in the living room to get them.

Morgan's mom messaged and asked if we'd like to join her in a mud run in August so I think Morgan and I are going to do that.

Mom had been really sick since we got home from Florida.
I think if she hasn't improved any by tomorrow that I may take her over to the hospital although I'm not really sure if there is anything they can do anyway.

Freya ended up spending the night and not long after I got back from my meeting she said she was tired and asked if she could go to bed.

I had just made myself a decaf coffee so I tucked her in and said I'd be back as soon as I finished it but she kept yelling out 'Grandma, come and snuggle me' and who could resist that request?

So I took my coffee to bed with me so I could finish it and get some snuggles in at the same time.
I just love that little girl so much and I'll do pretty much anything she asks me to.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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