Sunday 26 March 2023

Ethan Turns 13! (Mar.3, 2023)

It was a little chilly out there today but the sun was shining so I got my butt out for a walk.

It was super windy though, it was at my back when I walked to the road but on the way back, it was blowing so hard and so cold that I felt like a popsicle.

My eyes were watering and it was freezing on my glasses and I had to keep my head down out of the wind so I could barely see where I was going.

I survived it though and I must admit, the fresh air still felt good.

Sure didn't look like this in Florida last week - they don't know how good they have it!
I won't be one bit sad to see the snow go - we have a ways to go before that happens though.

This handsome boy turned 13 today, WHAT!

I can't believe how fast time flies.
I remember when he was born and he was such a cuddly little guy.

Enjoying some time with family in Disney.

I love the Star Wars ears.

He's always been into lego - that hasn't changed even as he's grown up.

I called him to wish him a Happy Birthday but he had a bunch of friends over and he was busy with them so I said I'd call back another day when he was less busy.

When I got home from work I still needed A LOT of steps so Jason and I went for a nice walk around town.
It was a it chilly but the wind had died down so that was good.

Ha ha - a little laugh for today.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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