Wednesday 29 March 2023

Tax Time (Mar.28, 2023)

 My back was still a bit sore this morning so I decided to not run today.

It doens't hurt when I'm running but it hurts afterwards so I'm not sure if it aggravates or but just in case, I'm going to give it a rest for a day or two.

I did get out for a walk this morning though - just a short one because I had a morning full of meetings.

It's still a bit cold and everything is so icy - I have to be really careful when I'm walking.
Morgan asked me to take her to run a few errands on my lunch hour so I did.
One thing she had to do was go to a doctor appointment so while she was in there, I walked some laps around the hospital parking lot.

Jason was busy at work cooking up farewell lunch for a co-worker who is leaving tomorrow.
He made a giant hashbrown casserole.

And a giant salad.

Kody and Haylee took Ozzy to get fixed today.
They asked if they could bring their other dog, Louie, over to our place for a couple of days until Ozzy heals up and I said sure.
Mom would love that.

When I got home, not only was Louie there but so were Freya and Zepplyn.
Freya decided to do mom's make up (with a highlighter).

Then Zepplyn wanted in on the fun too.

They are so proud of themselves.

I noticed later that mom was sitting on the couch and Freya went and got a warm facecloth and she was cleaning mom's face for her so tenderly.
She is so sweet.

While the girls did that, I got Morgan's birthday cake put in the oven.

She asked for the Banana Sour Cream Cake that is a hit with our family, I make it all the time and have been for years.
I'm having everyone over for a birthday dinner for her tomorrow so I wanted it to be ready for me to ice when I got home from work tomorrow.
I was going to make lasagna but she asked for Jason to make his thick crust pizza and he said he would so I may make a meatloaf to go along with it since I already picked up a bunch of ground beef.

While the cake was in the oven, Morgan came over so I could do up her taxes for her.
I just use Turbotax and because she only has T4's, it is dead easy and it is free.

Then before I finished hers up, Kody and Haylee showed up with their tax documents so I could do theirs as well.
I got them mostly finished but they were both missing a few documents so I couldn't finish them up all the way.

They left just as Jason was arriving home.
I still hadn't eaten any supper but I wanted to get out for a walk and it was fairly nice out albeit a little cold but we bundled up and headed out so I could get the rest of my steps in.

When we got back, I had supper.
Jason brought home some extra salad, meatloaf and ham.
The meatloaf was so good that I had 2 slices of it.
Then I also snacked on some Hot Cheetos - they are so high in points but I'm kind of addicted.
Luckily because they are so hot - I can't eat that many of them.

A few memes that made me laugh.

Love that side eye.

I stumbled upon these pictures of Clothesline art and I thought they were so cool.
The artist is Helga Stentzel and she does some really neat stuff if you want to check it out.

I wish I had a clothesline.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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