Friday 17 March 2023

Food Truck World and Pool Day (Feb.18, 2023)

The crew that went to Legoland the other day were all going to Legoland water park today but the rest of us had nothing on the agenda this morning so we just planned on taking it easy.

We walked up to the club house on the property just to have a look around.

These fellows were going in while I was taking the picture and posed for me.
Ha ha.
I tried to catch it but they were too quick for me.

There was a little playground there so we let Freya play there for a bit.

They had what they called a 'nature walk' so we decided to walk through that on the way back.

It wasn't very long but it was nice.

The pathway is all made up of little shells so Freya collected some - we found several different kinds and they were really pretty.

Back at the house, Haylee and Kody were relaxing.

Freya had a snack.

She had chips.

And these big soft oreo cookie cakes that we found - she really liked them.

Then she put some sun screen on Nanny.

Making sure Nanny is protected from the sun.

Jason and I decided to head out for a run.
It was a little later than we would normally go but we had nothing else going on.

This is right when you come into the entrance of the resort.

I actually only ran 5k but just as we got back to the house, my fit bit died.

My exercise details.

And my average pace and splits.
You have to ignore the average pace and everything after 5k.

When we got back, I changed because I was soaked and then charged up my fitbit just enough that I could use it again and we grabbed our bikes and headed out for a bike ride.

Jason saw an orange growing out in the 'wild'.
Being from northern Canada - we don't ever see oranges growing on trees so that was kind of a novelty for us.

We biked 10k - I really enjoyed it.
I'm so glad Jason had the foresight to rent us some bikes.

The exercise details from the bike ride.

5k run in sunny Florida!

We hopped in the pool for a bit to cool off.
We'd asked the owner to turn the heat on for us after all and we had to pay around 400 for it but it was totally worth it.

Then we got ready to head over and check out some food trucks that Haylee wanted to try.
It  was called Food Truck World and there were a lot of food trucks there.

So many food trucks.

Mom - It was a bit tiring for her but I think she was glad she came along.

I told Rob he should try a cuban sandwich so he did and he really liked it.

I got her this tropical smoothie and she just loved it.
In fact, a couple days later, she had Rob go back and pick up another one for her.

The version I tried had pork rinds on it and it had Tajin on it which is a seasoning powder made from chili peppers, sea salt and dehydrated lime juice.
I just love it on mango but I don't know that I loved it on my smoothie.

We kind of kept our base at the picnic table where mom was sitting then everyone would go get different things and bring them back.

Haylee got some tacos that looked really good - so good that I went and got a couple from that food truck as well.
And I'm happy to report - they were delicious.

Haylee got a smoothie as well - look at all the stuff they piled on it.

Jason got some chicharon for us to try.
It was ok - It had a bit more fat on it than what I prefer.

We got a cup of Mexican corn, it had crema and tajin on it - very good.

I got an acai bowl and it was so good that Jason went back and ordered on for himself.
This is his - I ate mine so fast that we didn't get a picture.

Jason saw this whole deep fried fish so you know he had to try that.

You could even see all his little teeth - ew.

Freya checking it out.

Jason tried to scare her but it didn't work so then she was teasing him.

Kody, Rob and Freya.

Mom and I.


Freya and Haylee.
There was a flea market in the building by the food trucks and Haylee had a walk through it and found this Kissy Missy backpack for Freya.

After the food trucks, we headed back to the house.

Freya got ready to go back in the pool.

Pool ready.

Freya wanted to go in the pool but I think she was a little too cold.

Keeping those arms hidden.

Once she tested it and realized it had been warmed up, it was so much easier to get into.
She ended up taking the life jacket off and didn't use it for the whole rest of the time we were there.
She's getting really good at swimming.

When the rest of them got back from Legoland, they all hopped in the pool too.

Hunter making waves.

A nice sunset behind the house.

Everyone has been posting pictures from the trip so I've been saving them and thought I would share them here in a bunch.

Zepplyn at Universal.

Kody and Haylee at Universal.

Looks like Haylee met Marilyn at Universal too.

They also met Homer.

Freya riding the cheetah at Universal.

This was also at Univeral - Hogwarts maybe? I don't remember seeing it myself.

Freya at Universal - right after her nap when we met back up with Kody and Haylee.

Haylee was really looking forward to trying a turkey leg.

And they found one.

I don't think it was as good as she was hoping.
You never know until you try though.

They also saw the Scooby van.

It was Mardi Gras time so they were celebrating that in the park while we were there.

Simpson's land - the doughnut sign.

Chief Wiggum.

Duff Beer.

When in Rome.......
Trying a couple of Duff beers.

Where my beer at?

Lots of Duff stuff.

Duff Man?


The ride I took Freya on.

Cool fountain in Harry Potter world.

Diagon Alley.

Magic newspaper.


Tellers in the bank.
I think this was actually part of a ride they went on.

Freya testing out the wand Haylee got.

Kody tested it out too.
Apparently there were things that you could do with it around the Harry Potter worlds.

Haylee got a picture of the dragon breathing fire.

More Mardi Gras celebration stuff.

The Knight Bus.
Haylee got her picture from a better angle than I did.

Telephone booth - so British.

Dr. Suess land -- so whimsical.
I loved it in there.

Some of the characters in Dr. Suess land.
I'm glad she got pictures - I wanted some but my phone was dead.

I don't even know where this was, I didn't see it but it looks really cool.
It might be from Animal Kingdom.

Kind of reminds me of Mount Rushmore.


They tried a butterbeer while there were there.
Why not?

Platform 9 3/4

Just after riding the Hogwart's Express.

We had lots of these little visitors at the house by the pool.

I think Crystal posted this one of Hunter and Zepplyn on a ride at Legoland.

And that's all for today.
Everyone had a free day tomorrow so we may try to go see some gators or something.
Or maybe we'll do nothing.

Either way, I'm happy.
Really enjoying our time here so far.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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