Tuesday 28 March 2023

Weigh In Day & Sore Back Go Away (Mar.27, 2023)

Monday = Weigh In Day so you know what I did first thing.

I was 211.0

I was kind of expecting to be up a bit after eating so late last night but I ended up being down .2 
I'll take it!
It's going so slowly but at least I'm going in the proper direction and I'm still following plan and tracking - I consider that a win.

Paddington sitting on the bed this morning.
He's so cute.

He was grooming himself but it looks like he's being shy and hiding behind his tail.

We had unexpected visitors at coffee break.
Shennelle's son, daughter-in-law and grandson drove all the way from Shylo, Manitoba last night and just arrived here this morning to surprise her.
Haylee was here working today and she and Shennelle's son, Kyle, went to school together so she sat and had a bit of a visit with us too.

Her little grandson is just adorable.
I mean - look at that gorgeous smile.

She was teasing him and he thought it was hilarious.

Jason is cooking another meal at work.
They have a guy retiring and this coming Wednesday is his last day so they asked Jason if he could cook a meal for them.
Jason will be on days off so he'd preparing everything ahead of time then he won't have as much to do when he goes in there on Wednesday.
He made this giant meatloaf.

He covered it with a glaze before putting it in the oven.

It looks so yummy - wish I could have some.
I love meatloaf.

He also made a giant ice cream cake.

I didn't get out for a walk today.
It's cooled off a bit - it was between -8 and -10 today but windy too so it feels even colder.
Plus my back is still really bothering me.

Sometimes I feel like such a whiner and I feel like I should just suck it up and get over it, push through it - I dont' know, just get over it.
Being in pain makes me feel so old and I don't want to feel old.
I don't really know why it's hurting or what happened.

I have been pumping ibuprofen into me and it helps a bit but not much.

I'm considering making an appointment for a massage with Crystal or maybe even trying out a chiropracter.
I've never been to one and they've always kind of scared me but my back doesn't seem to be getting any better and I need it to.

So I decided no running today.
It doesn't hurt while I'm running but it does really hurt afterwards so I want to give it a break.
Instead I went down and just walked on the treadmill.
I planned to walk for about an hour and that's about how long it took for me to get the rest of my steps.

Happy that I got my steps in for the day.

Jason had cooked a ham today as well so he said he'd bring a piece of it home for us to have for supper and I made a salad to go along with it.
Supper was really good.

I watched a couple PVR's episodes of Grey's Anatomy (I'm a whole season behind) then we also watched the new episode of Spring Baking Championship before calling it a night.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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