Sunday 26 March 2023

Sunshine Makes Me So Happy (Mar.14, 2023)

 It warmed up considerably today, still in the minuses but way nicer than it's been and the sun was shining away so I just had to get out there for a walk this morning.

We still have lots of snow but hopefully the sun will melt some of that down today.

I still had to bundle up but that fresh air and sunshine felt fabulous!

They were having PIM meetings in the office today and Secure bought everyone subs for lunch.
I did run home quickly to put the chicken breast I'd taken out this morning into the slow cooker but then back at the office, Bonnie, Shennelle, Haylee and I all had our lunch together in the back lunch room.
I've been busy running reports for few days now to get our training stat totals for 2022 - it's really boring and I'm happy that I'm almost done.
I think one more day will do it.

I have to do it every year and I always put it off - it isn't hard to do, it's just very time consuming and boring so I'll be glad when it's done for another year.

I planned on shoveling the driveway out when I got home after work - luckily the sun had melted most of it so I only had a little bit that I was able to do.

It was still so nice out though and I really wanted to soak it in so I got ready and went for a walk to the store.
I also needed around 3000 more steps to reach my goal for the day and I didn't feel like hopping on the treadmill.
I didn't really need anything at the store - It was just a destination but I did get some bananas since we go through so many of those.

I made a salad to go along with the chicken that I cooked.
I just cooked the chicken in chicken broth and added some seasoning salt and it turned out so moist and juicy.
It was delicious.

Jason booked our hotel for Vegas today - He hadn't booked one yet so we were looking at a few last night and we ended up choosing The Stratosphere.
We've never stayed there but were thinking it was close to the new Arts District we want to check out so why not give it a try.

I'm really looking forward to out trip.

I should have worked on my blog a bit but instead I did some reading and watched some Heartland and stayed up way later than I should have.
I'll pay for that in the morning.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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