Sunday 26 March 2023

Swancicle Days Dance Recital (Mar.10, 2023)

I spend most of the day at work today running reports. 

It made for a long day since it was kind of boring but it needs to be done.

It's only March and I'm already looking forward to Friday's off in the summer.

I hopped on the treadmill at lunch to get some steps in since it was super cold out there again today.

I asked Haylee if Freya could spend the night with me tonight - It's been a bit since I've been able to spend some time with her and I'm missing her.

She agree of course and texted me to say that Freya wanted me to pick her up on my way home from work so I did.

She was at Grandma Crystal's earlier in the afternoon and Zepplyn was getting ready for her dance recital tonight so they both got to put some make up on.
When she got to my place, the first thing she wanted to do was put on nail polish so she picked out the colors she like and she did my nails first and then I did hers.

It's Swancicle Days this weekend and the dance studio in town was having a dance recital tonight so Mom and I headed over there with Freya to watch it since both Zepplyn and Alivia would be performing.
Adrien, Hunter, Mel, her father Kirby, Morgan, Haylee, Kody, Crystal and her parents, Rita and Llyod were all there which was nice.

Zepplyn's group was up first.

I like the little outfits they had for the girls.

Getting that toe point down.

She did very well.

A small clip of Zepplyn's dance.

Hunter was excited about the popcorn they had there.
He did watch the dancing as well though.

Freya enjoyed watching the dancing too.
Her dance recital is coming up in April and Jason and I are going to miss it as we will be in Jasper for the half marathon so I'm bummed about that but she does have a competition in the city in April and Jason is working but I'll be able to make it to that.

Alivia did a couple dances.
She is very serious about her dancing.

She did a duet with a much younger girl.

She did some lifts with her and stuff so it looked really good.

They did handstands too - Alivia is good at them.
Kudos to her, I can't get up there for one at all.

Then she did a dance with a larger group.

They were in sync and did very well together.

I liked their outfits too.

Trying to get a better look or maybe just trying to bug his Papa.

When I got home, I had to hop on the treadmill to get the rest of my steps in.
It didn't take too long - I forgot to take my phone down with me so no picture of my treadmill totals.

 Freya ditched me to play with Papa for a bit but that was ok because Paddington wanted some kitty cuddles.

I love it when he puts his pawas on either side of my head like this - it's like he's giving me a little hug.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy.

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