Sunday 26 March 2023

Day in the City with My Honey (Mar.19, 2023)

We both like running in the city and I planned on getting out this morning to get a run in.
It's been awhile since I'd run outdoors so my plan was just to run for 30 minutes and not worry so much about the distance that I actually ran.

We headed out for an out and back and Jason was ahead of me so I knew I'd meet him on the way back so I planned to just turn around when I met up with him and head back myself.
But when I met him, I was at 2.34 km in and since I was so close, why not just go to 2.5 then head back and shoot for the 5k?

It was icy in spots but I was wearing my cleats so that was ok.
It felt good to be out, it did start feeling hard coming on the end though.
I wanted to quit but I looked at my fitbit and I was at 4.04k so I talked myself into carrying on at least until the end of the song that I was listening too.
So I did that and when I checked my distance I was at 4.6k which was so close to 5k that I made myself continue on.
I did get to 5k but I really struggled that last little section but I was so proud of myself.
I can't believe how much of my 'fitness' I've lost but I know I can gain it back, I just have to do it.

My exercise details for the run.

My average pace and splits - I did have to wait at a couple lights, one was extra long which is why that one km took so long but still in the 7's so I'm pleased with that. 

After our run we checked out and were going to go eat but the place we wanted to eat at didn't open until 12 so we did a bit of shopping first.
The spot Jason found called The Bedouins that had really good reviews so we though we'd try it out.
I  was wondering what Bedouins was so Jason looked it up and here is the definition from Wikipedia.

The BedouinBeduin, or Bedu (/ˈbɛduɪn/;[27] Arabicبَدْوromanizedbadū, singular بَدَوِي badawī) are nomadic Arab tribes[28] who have historically inhabited the desert regions in the Arabian PeninsulaNorth Africa, the Levant, and Mesopotamia.[29] 

So basically it was North African food that we were having.

This is the outside - the place has been here for some time and we've driven by it lots but just never really noticed it.

The menu.

It had kind of a moroccan feel and it had prayer rooms inside the restaurant.

These were the bathroom doors and I loved them.

How awesome to work that into the decor.

The brought out a dish of hummus,

lentil soup and the bedouins soup

and also some fresh bread to go along with it and it was all complimentary.

We asked the waiter to recommend some dishes and he said the favorites were this dish, Chicken Tajeen, which I ordered.

It came with roasted vegetables - they were in a tomato based broth.

Then he also recommended the Lamb Mendi - he said it was the most popular dish and Jason ordered that.
The meat in both dishes was super tender and just fell right off the bone.
It was really good.

Enjoying some lovely food.

He just loves that I always am wanting pictures 😄

There was a cafe next door and I think they were kind of attached actually but they had the barcode for the menu at the table so we could scan it (which we did) and I ordered us a couple of desserts to try.

I got a pistachio tart, a nut basket and an almond dessert - I forget what it was called.
They were much smaller than I was expecting but that was good, less points.
We shared them and I found there was too much crust on the tarts - they were just ok.
Likely wouldn't get them again.

We left there and did a bit more shopping before calling it a day and heading home.
It was close to 9 pm when we got back to town.
We watched some tv and I stayed up far later than I should have.

It is weigh in tomorrow and I'm not sure how it is going to go.
I ate more treats this weekend than I planned but I did track them the best I could and I did go over my daily points allotment but not me weekly so I guess we'll just see.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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