Sunday 26 March 2023

Improving Already and Irresistable Home Made Bread (Mar.21, 2023)

I was feeling pretty tired this morning - I guess that is what happens when you stay up too late.
When I got to work, I was busy right away and I almost forgot all about going to pick Freya up to take her to school.
We got her there but we were a few minutes late.
Poor little thing was tired too.

Alivia and a bunch of her classmates were off to Barrhead today for a Bell competition.

I have a box of stuff near that door to take to the second hand store next time I go.

Professor Snuggles has claimed it as his new resting spot.

I walked back to the office at lunch time with the plan that Jason would bring the car down after work, we'd walk home together then I would walk back down to pick it up.

And that is exactly what we did.

I tried to go a little further today, I ran past the turn off to the office just to the first light pole then back in for the car.
I think I'll keep trying to go a little bit further each day.
So I ran 2.5k today.

My exercise details.

My average pace and splits.
Didn't even run 3k so not much data but it is an improvement from yesterday.

When I got home, Jason was taking a beautiful loaf of bread out of the oven and it smelled divine!
He made it for Mom because she likes bread and he likes making it.

There was no way I could resist it though, especially warm like that right out of the oven so I had a slice.

He bbq'd up some pork slices for us for supper and made a tomato cucumber salad to go along with it.
I also might have had another slice of that delicious bread with my supper.

My sister called and she decided she wants to come out for a visit this summer with the boys for a couple of weeks and I am so excited.
I started looking for places in BC immediately, couldn't find much and couldn't book either because I'm not exactly sure of her dates yet but I'm really looking forward to it.
So far, they've only come in the winter, summer will be so much better.

I spent the rest of the evening working on my blog.
I'm still working on the posts from Florida - Jason had some things I wanted to add and some videos I wanted to post so I went through all of that, got the videos posted to YouTube and added the links to the videos all in the proper places on the blog.
Also added in some of his pictures too.

The blog really is a lot of work and sometimes I wonder why I even do it but it's so nice to be able to go back and just see all the things we've done.
The big things, like vacations, I remember of course but some of the smaller, mundane, every day things are what I love looking back on the most.
So I keep doing it just for myself and also - I figure that Freya may enjoy looking back on it when she gets a bit older.


Jason is back to work tomorrow and I was still tired from my late night last night so we were off to bed at a decent hour.

Still getting all my steps in and following and tracking on WW so feeling good.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy.

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