Sunday 26 March 2023

Chill Day (Mar.8, 2023)

Not much to report from over here today.
Work was very busy and it was -20 outdoors so I didn't get out for any walks today.

I did go around the office a few times but still ended up needing quite a few once I got home.

Nadine stopped by the office today so Bonnie and I had a visit with her.
She got her licence back so she is super thrilled about that.
She had to go and be retested after her stroke and she was really worried about it.

We talked about possibly doing a Viking River Cruise on the Rhine next summer - I think it would be awesome.

When I got home, I decided to hop on the treadmill immediately to get my workout done and over with.

I did some running, I'd run for .5 of a mile then have a short walking break then I would do it again.
I ended up running 2.3 miles and it felt pretty good.

I had a nice hot bath afterwards - it felt so nice.
I spent my time in there going through old pictures on my phone and deleting them to free up some space.
I downloaded them all to my external hard drive finally last night and my phone has run out of space.
Seeing all the pictures from when I started losing the weight and from all the training runs I did for the marathon made me want to get back at it.
It was very motivating.

Adrien and Rob came over and helped Morgan move all of her stuff out over to Adrien's.
I'm going to miss seeing her but I understand that it makes sense for her to be over there with her animals.
Plus it will be nice for Adrien and the kids to have her there.

The cold I've been fighting off kind of caught me - I don't feel terrible but I don't feel great either so I decided to call it a night early and get some extra rest - help my body heal up.

No word on a possible new grand baby, I guess we'll see.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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