Sunday 26 March 2023

Feeling Better (Mar.16, 2023)

I was feeling much better when I got up yesterday thank goodness.

So whatever was going on with me yesterday was quick at least.

It was another glorious, sun-shiny day over here so of course I made sure to get out for a walk. 

I decided to go sans hat which ended up being a mistake - the wind had a good chill to it so I ended up having to cover my ears with my hands the whole way back.
Luckily I'd worn mittens.
Still enjoyed the walk though.

Haylee posted this cutie patootie picture of Freya.
She spent most of the day with Jason aside from school this morning then Haylee went and picked her up at 3 to take her to Barrhead for dance.

Jason got her some new slippers and she was actually wearing them around.

So Jason came down and met me after work and we walked home together so I could get some extra steps in.
Plus when that sun is out - we really like to take advantage.

Haylee also posted this cute picture which I hadn't seen before.

My gorgeous niece also posted some pictures of herself.
She is still living with her Dad for now and I think it's actually a really good thing for both of them.

She had good genes!

Jason bbq'd some pork for us for supper and made a garden salad to go along with it that was super good.
We watched some of the Spring Baking Championship Easter (I don't like it as much as the original).
Then around 8:30 I was feeling really tired so I just went to bed.
I haven't been sleeping well at all lately so I think I just really need a good nights sleep.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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