Sunday 26 March 2023

Scary Medical Emergency (Feb.26, 2023)

Our flight from Toronto went off without a hitch.

I think I even got some sleep.

Then when we landed, Kody told me that Rob was trying to get a hold of me (I had my phone on airplane mode since Toronto) and when I turned my phone on I saw that he'd tried calling me several times and Morgan had tried to get a hold of me so I knew something was up and called him right away.

He and Mom had flown in on the same flight last night and she ended up having a seizure on the flight.

They considered making an emergency landing but luckily there was a doctor and 2 nurses on the flight with them who were able to care for her.

They checked her vitals and they were good so they told the pilot it was ok to continue on to Edmonton but they did have an ambulance there waiting for them and took her and Rob directly to the hospital where they did a bunch of testing.

Morgan got in a bit later and Adrien was there to pick them all up so they headed over to the hospital too.

There wasn't a whole lot they could do so Adrien and Morgan headed home and Rob stayed with Mom at the hospital.

She was doing well now though and they were ready to release her so after we got our luggage, Jason and I headed over there to pick them up.

Mom was all bruised up on her face and her leg and she looked so tired and not good at all.

The doctor called me and said right now everything looked good and they couldn't find a reason for it happening, they were chalking it up to her being tired and sick (she caught a cold in Florida) but they were going to put her on a seizure medication for a couple months just in case and they were also going to do some further testing and they'd get in touch with me later with some dates.

It must have been such a scary experience for both Mom and Rob.

I'm glad she wasn't alone when it happened.

She does fly alone the odd time but I think we may need to reconsider that going forward.

Anyway - after we picked them up, we headed home and basically had a pretty quiet day.

I unpacked and didn't do much else - back to work in the am for both Jason and I.

So that's about all today but I noticed that Mel posted some of her pictures from the trip so I'm sharing those here. 

Aliva and Morgan in Legoland.

Love the lego guy.

The Legoland carousel.

Checking out the map.
Morgan is the big sister but Alivia is already taller than her and looks like it won't be long before Hunter is too.

The whole crew - I'm kind of bummed now that we opted not to go there.

I'm not quite sure what they are doing here, stopping for a snack maybe?

This was at Gatorland - Morgan got to meet a giant snake.

Alivia and Hunter did too.

Mel relaxing by the pool.

Hunter loved the pool and I think he spent more time in there than anyone else.

They spent a day at the Legoland Water Park too.
Hunter and Zepplyn.

Hunter and Alivia.

These giant lego creations are pretty amazing.

Some lego characters - looks like they were putting on a bit of a show.

Hunter got to meet the Swashbuckler.

Giraffe made out of lego - cool.

Albert Einstein - also made out of lego.

The Hulk ride at Universal.
Hunter really wanted to go on it so they did but he didn't like it - a bit too scary for him.

Testing out his wand in Diagon Alley.

The dragon atop Gringott's.

Springfield - Universal.


They were trying to make it look like they were getting eaten.


Meeting Dora and Diego.

Betty Boop.

Morgan meeting Hello Kitty at Universal.

Alivia and Freya meeting her.

Cool city at Legoland.

Mel and Hunter selfie.

Little prisoner.

Meeting lego characters.

Those costumes are so neat.

On a ride with Zepplyn.

Ethan, Declan, Mom and Morgan in the Magic Kingdom in front of the castle.

Mickey pretzel.

Magic Kingdom entrance.

Walt Disney World.

A nice family activity available in Orlando.


This was in the Star Wars area.

Another shot of the Tower of Terror.

Morgan meeting the giant tortoise at Gatorland.

Lego statue of liberty.

Scooby van.

Entrance to Universal.

Hello Kitty.

Entrance to Legoland.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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