Sunday 26 March 2023

Cold Morning and Baby Maybe? (Mar.7, 2023)

We had our WCSS spill exercise this morning.

We have to do a winter one every 10 years or so and it's never my favorite but it has to be done.

I did go to one other since I've been the WCSS Admin and I've been doing this for a lot of years now so that isn't too bad.

We held it right out in our field at Edith Lake - James (an operator here) was going as well so I got a ride over there with him. 

It was a cold one out there this morning, -21 C and that wasn't including the wind chill factor.

We spent a few hours just on the banks of the lake doing introductions, presentations and the dryland deployment and when you are just standing there, it gets COLD!

I did do lots of walking around and we left the truck running so I sat in it a couple times just to get warmed up.
After all the presentations, they sent everyone back to their trucks too to warm up for 15 minutes then it was time to get out on the ice and get to work.

They broke the group up into two groups.

One group got hands on experience with the augers and hand saws while the other group learned about the angles they should be cutting into the ice.

Now that they were actually working, it helped fend off the cold a bit.

Especially with the hand saws..

Those looked like a lot of work.

Once everyone had a chance to try out the augers, the groups switched.
This is the group that was learning about where to cut into the ice and what angles they should be cutting at.

They also demonstrated a machine they had that pulled this giant chunk of ice out of the lake lickety splity.
They taught the group how to measure the ice thickness and then figure out how much weight it could withstand.
Interesting information actually although I don't ever plan on spending any time out on any ice.

The sun came out later in the morning but the wind picked up too so Amy and I spend some time in this tent they had set up.

There was a propane heater going in it and it became my new best friend.
My feet were the coldest, I just couldn't get them to warm up, even when I went home.

The exercise was over by 12:30 and Jason had made pasta for lunch so I stopped by the house to have some before heading back to work.

I worked the rest of the afternoon with my heater going in my office right directly beside me.
I had a chill I just couldn't shake and I was so looking forward to having a bath when I got home.

That didn't end up happening though - Kody called and said Freya wanted to come for a visit so of course I told him to bring her over.
She did the old "smile I'm taking you picture" trick then showed us this.

Then she had me hold Professor Snuggles so she could take another.
I thought she was tricking us again but she did actually take one.

She wanted me to take one of her holding Professor Snuggles but he wasn't very into it.

He kept trying to get away but she'd only chase him down and catch him and bring him right back.
Poor kitty.

I did finally get one that she was happy with so then she let him go.

She told us a bit of news - said her Mommy had a baby in her belly.
She's excited about it.
I asked if she wanted a brother or a sister and she said one of each.
She also told me when they turn 1, she's going to marry them to each other.
The things kids say.

Neither Kody nor Haylee has said anything about it but Freya said they have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday (she's getting so grown up, know all the information like that) so maybe we'll hear something after that.

Kody came back to pick her up and he didn't mention anything so I didn't ask - I'll just wait and let them announce it how they want if and when the time comes.

Morgan's pets have all been over with Tanner since our Florida trip and apparently he asked her today to come and get them so she took them over to her Dad's and she's decided to move over there to be able to take care of them which makes sense.

I'll miss her - it's been nice getting to spend time with her, but I think it will be nice for Adrien to have her there.

I had to do some walking on the treadmill to get my steps in - it took a long time.
I didn't have my phone down there with me, I was transferring photos from my phone to my external hard drive and it's been a year since I've done that so it took forever.
But I walked for about 40 minutes then I still had to do some walking around the living room to get them all in.

Got it done though - yay me.

I have been trying to stave off the cold that both Mom and Jason had and up until now I was winning the battle but I think I finally caught a little something.

It's not terrible so far, hopefully this is as bad as it gets but it would have been better to not get sick at all.

Anyway, that's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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