Saturday 25 March 2023

The Circle of Life and World's Largest McDonald's (Feb.22, 2023)

Nothing big on the agenda for today so decided to head out for a nice, long bike ride.

This resort was just up the road from the resort we stayed at and we would pass it each day and every time, I would think how much I loved the pastel colors of these houses.

So I made sure to get some pictures as I went by today.

Pretty pastel houses at Margaritaville Resort.

Jason was out running, he decided to run 21k today and I met him a couple times along the way.
We got some waters together at a gas station when he was about halfway through then we met up again when he was nearly done.

I ended up biking 30k today and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

The exercise details from the bike ride.

Back at the place, we had a bit of a pool day.

So glad we decided to get it heated because we've been getting so much use out of it.

Even Declan got out and did some swimming today.

Jen and Mom were enjoying the sun.

Mom was even getting some sun on those gams of hers.

I wish we could stay here forever.

I went inside at one point and missed the whole thing that happened next.

We were all just discussing what we thought our snake visitor ate and now we know.

First he was there, then he was gone - the circle of life.
I was worried that the kids might be traumatized over this but I think they were just fine.

Later in the afternoon, Jason and I headed to a nearby shopping area to check out the Hoka store.
I did end up getting myself a pair and afterwards, we walked around and checked out some more of the stores.
It was an outdoor mall - we didn't do much shopping but we did see the food court and that caught out interest.

I saw a Shake Shack and they had a truffle burger so I decided I wanted to try it.

They also had a dreamsicle shake and a passionfruit lemonade - I love both and couldn't decide which one I wanted more.

So I just got both.

The burger was absolutely delicious.

Jason was good and he had a poke bowl.

After we ate, we walked around some more just so I could get steps in.
It was so nice out.
I did go for a 30k bike ride this morning but that doesn't give you many steps.
Then we headed back to the house.

Everyone else had made reservations to go to dinner tonight at Medieval Times and Jason and I opted not to go.
Mel didn't think Hunter would like it so we said we'd keep him with us.

Turned out he was quite upset when he found out everyone was going without him so we told him we'd do something special with him.

We took him to the world's largest McDonald's which just happens to be in Orlando.
He was pretty stoked about that, especially when we told him that it had a couple floors.

It is a pretty big McDonald's.

It looked really big on the inside too.
It had tons of kiosks for ordering but you could order at the counter as well.

Pretty stoked about checking out the cool McDonald's.

They actually make pizza and pasta at this McDonald's and you can watch them make it so Jason ordered a pizza and I ordered some pasta then we sat and watched them make it.

They have a pretty nice pizza oven.

I got the pesto ravioli.

Jason got a pepperoni pizza with jalapenos.

I had a slice of it and it was really good.

My little Hunter - he's getting so grown up.

It was really nice to spend some one on one time with him.

After we ate, we headed upstairs to check out the playground area and lo and behold, there was an arcade up there which was way more up Hunter's alley than a playground.

Jason got them each a bunch of tokens then they went around and Hunter picked out all the things he wanted them to do together.

He mostly tried to pick out games that they could play together.

He really liked these motorbike games.

He played it a couple of times.

This one was more like a movie with moving seats and he didn't want to try it out at first but once I convinced him, he did really like it.

Arcade at the world's largest McDonalds.

They actually did it a couple of times too.

Hunter got lucky and hit the jackpot on one of the games he played and won 1000 pts which was pretyt cool for him.
He got to pick out some prizes with his points and he's so sweet, he picked out a stuffie for Freya.

We spent pretty much the whole evening there and I think Hunter really enjoyed himself.

When we got home, everyone else had returned from their Medieval Times dinner.
They even got this picture take there.
In hindsight, I wish we'd all gone now, it would have been nice to have a picture from our trip with all of us in it.

Tomorrow we are all off to the Magic Kingdom except Rob.
I want to stay for the fireworks so it is likely going to be another long day but I'm looking forward to it.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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