Sunday 26 March 2023

Too Cold (Mar.9, 2023)

It was super cold out yet again, -20 not including the wind chill factor.
I didn't sleep very well at all last night, I had a tickle in my throat and it kept waking me up.

There was another WCSS spill exercise today near Slave Lake but it was an hour and a half drive for me so I decided not to go - I felt like it was just a very long distance to drive by myself when I was so tired so Amy had to hold the fort down but she normally does them alone anyway so I knew she would be fine.

I didn't get out for any walks either so at lunch time I decided to hop on the treadmill.
I just wanted to bump up my step total so I wouldn't have as many to do tonight.

I just walked because I didn't want to get all sweaty before I headed back to work.

Jason put a Subway gift card in my lunch bag this morning so after work, I stopped and picked us both up subs for supper.
I ate half of mine and I'll save the rest for lunch tomorrow.

I also decided to try out this recipe I saw on WW a week or two ago.

I used plain greek yogurt and I find it has a bit of a taste that I dont' like - maybe I'll get used to it if I just keep trying.
My peanut butter powder of choice is PB2.
It's delicious but really hard to find so I've been using what I have left sparingly.
I did have to add a packet of sweetener to my version of this but I thought it tasted really good and it was a very healthy serving both portion wise and food wise.

I've been doing very well at tracking all of my points and staying withing my daily range so feeling super good about that.

I walked around in the living room until I got the rest of my steps then I spent the rest of the evening watching some Heartland.

I have a whole season to catch up on.
Then when that is done, I have a season of Grey's Anatomy and a season of Outlander to catch up on too.
I don't watch much tv anymore, normally if the tv is on it is on YouTube or Discovery +.

A few laughs for today.

For me it's trips that I'm usually looking at, not real estate.

This just made me giggle.

Due to the lack of sleep last night, I decided to hit the hay early.
I'm glad tomorrow is Friday - looking forward to the weekend, I plan on spending it getting caught up on my blog.
Weather permitting, I hope to get outdoors for a run.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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