Wednesday 22 March 2023

Pool Time, Critters Galore and Cracker Barrel (Feb.19, 2023)

Nobody had any theme parks or anything booked today so we had kind of a free day. 

So the kids were in the pool first thing.

Now that it was nice and warm, they had more people joining them.

Freya ditched her life jacket.

She was tall enough for the shallow end and there was always an adult in the pool with her so it was all good.
This morning it happened to be Rob.

Mom noticed we had a little visitor in the corner.

So Kody and Haylee were checking him out and Jason was taking his picture.

We had another little visitor on the fence too.

There were actually a lot of the lizards around, they were every where.

After coffee, Jason and I headed out for a run.
I ran and out and back route that was right around 5k.

My exercise details.

My average pace and splits.

When we got back from the run, we hopped on the bikes and headed out for a bike ride.

When we got to kind of the main road, we noticed the lobster car that we'd seen the other day.

We were able to get up close to it and take some good pictures.

There was an athletic shoe store there as well and Jason and I are always on the hunt for a good deal on running shoes so we went in to check it out.
We didn't really find any running shoes but we did find some sandals for mom.

I sent her pictures of all the ones I found.

She needs to have the strap in the back so these would have all been good options for her.

I figured the Skechers would be comfy so I tried to talk her into these ones.

Or these.
Instead of us picking them up and having to cart them back on the bikes, Jen ended up taking Mom there so she could see them in person and try them on and she did end up going with the Skechers, she actually got two pair.

The shoe store was attached to a gift shop so we had a look around in there.
You don't see this pink version of Stitch (it's actually Angel) very often.
It was a piggy bank.

I like the little Stitch in the Hawaiin outfit.
They had so much Stitch stuff there, I think Zepplyn would lose her mind.

All in all, we ended up biking just over 13k and I loved it.
I'm so glad Jason thought to rent the bikes.

The Exercise details from the bike ride.

When we got back to the house, I took Crystal, Kody, Haylee, Zepplyn and Freya shopping to a few stores they wanted to check out and Jason went for another bike ride.

We ended up running into him at one of the stores we stopped at and he got some footage of Freya trying out the hula hoop.
Hula hooping ain't easy.

She kept trying though.

Morgan really wanted to try Cracker Barrel so the whole group of us headed there for supper.

I tried to get some group pics and I'm including them all because there is at least one person not looking in each one.
That's Jen in this picture.

Now Freya isn't looking.

Freya still isn't looking.

They couldn't seat all of us at one table so these guys all sat at the table right next to us.

I was there too so I had to get a selfie and the boys got in it with me.

I ordered the trout and it came with broccoli and these crispy, cheesy potatoes that were absolutely delicious.
I think everyone enjoyed their meal - it was nice that we all were able to eat out together.

That's all the pictures I had from today but Jen posted a bunch since she had some free time so I thought I'd share hers here as well.

Jen relaxing by the pool.

Now this is the life.

Mom was doing the same.

These were from Legoland.
Ethan sitting under the Sorting Hat built out of lego - pretty cool.

Morgan tried it on.

So did Declan.

Jen and Rob waiting in line for the Hogwart's Express at Universal.

Pointing out the dragon in Diagon Alley.

Jen and the Scooby van.

Declan and Ethan - Legoland.

Cool dragon made out of lego.

Jen and her boys.

The crew at Legoland firing guns or something.

Ethan - I think this was also at Legoland.

The found Chewy.
I think he's made out of lego - so awesome!
They are all big Star Wars fans.

On the plane ride here.
She had Ethan sleeping on one side.

And Declan on the other.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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