Sunday 26 March 2023

Relaxing Day (Mar.12, 2023)

Freya and I had a great sleep in this morning, I think it was around 9:30 when we finally got out of bed.

We spent some time hanging out on the couch cuddling, taking selfies and

Making some tik toks.
She loved this creepy one and we did it several times.

They were having a bbq on the town hill today and Kody, Haylee, Crystal and Zepplyn were all going so they called to see if we wanted to go too.
I didn't as I've been trying to be very careful with following WW and I knew there would be no good options for me but Freya wanted to so they came and picked her up for it.

So I got ready and headed out to do some more shoveling, we'd gotten more snow since I did it on Friday and it has been drifting too so everything had to be done again.

Then when I finished shoveling, I headed right down to the treadmill to get the rest of my steps in, plus I wanted to get in a bit of a run.
I ended up running 2.5 miles - just at a slow pace but that's ok - any running I get to add to my bank I'll take.

Felt good to be done.
(I got this new top at the second hand store yesterday and a pair of Roots pants too that I really like).

After my workout, I ran myself a nice bubblebath and found a book to read.
I'd picked up a few of those yesterday at the bookstore as well.
There are only 50 cents a piece so it's a great deal!

I went with a nice easy read, Somewhere in France.
I read for so long in the tub that the water started to get cold so I had to get out.

After my bath, I kind of had a very quiet, lazy day.
I did finish up some laundry but after that, I did some more reading, watched a couple episodes of Heartland and basically just relaxed and took it easy.
Paddington did the same.

I had considered doing some blog catch up and mom's taxes but ended up doing neither - there is always tomorrow.

I was very careful about what I ate all week so I'm actually looking forward to my weigh in and am hoping to see some movement on the scale.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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