Monday 3 April 2023

Swimming in the Sink (Mar.31, 2023)

Freya spent the night with us last night.
I was off to work in the morning but Jason was off and he was looking forward to spending the day with her.
He loves hanging out with her as much as he can.

When she got up, the first thing she wanted to do was go swimming in the sink again.
So she got her bathing suit on and Jason filled up the sink for her.

Just an average day, you know, sitting in the sink, eating a banana.

He just indulges her every whim but how could he not, I mean, she's too cute.

Morgan had Ella today for the first time since she was bitten by their dog so she asked if I could go pick up a gift for her and bring it there.

This is from last week when it happened.
The dog mainly bit her on the side of her face, near her ear.
Luckily her parents were right there when it happened and got the dog off her immediately but she did have to be rushed to Edmonton for emergency surgery - poor little thing.
I can't even imagine how scary that must have been.
(Just fyi - the dog was put down right away).

So I figured Jason, Freya and I could walk down to the store on my lunch break and take it over to Morgan.
That way Jason would get to meet Barrett, one of the little guys that Morgan babysits. He is super adorable.
Plus we'd also get to see Ella and see how she is doing.

I got Freya dressed in her new outfit that Jason bought for her.
I love it on her.
I wanted a picture but lately she has this thing about giving the finger and I had a hard time getting her to pose without doing it.
She saw Thing do it on Wednesday and now she thinks it's funny.

Still doing it.

Finally - got one with no obscene gestures.

We walked down to the store and got a few things for Ella - of course I had to get Freya something too.
We also picked out a few treats that all of the kiddos over with Morgan could share then we walked over there to drop them off.

Ella was looking really good.
She showed us her bandages and stitches where the main bite was then there were a few other spots that had stitches too but kids are so resilient, it's just like it didn't even phase her at all.

We had a short visit - all the kids love Jason so they were so excited to see him.
Then Jason and Freya walked me back to the office.

I considered leaving early this afternoon so we could head to the city - we thought we might spend the night there so I could go running in the morning.
I prefer running in the city over running here.

Jason ended up making an appointment to see another house in Westlock tomorrow morning so we decided to just stay home for the night and head there first thing in the morning instead.

We watched the rest of American Vandal and while I liked it and would recommend it - I can't say that I was happy about how it ended.

There is a second season and I'm not even sure if I want to watch it just because I hate how it ended so much.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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