Monday 10 April 2023

Work Day (Apr.7, 2022)

Today was a holiday but since I missed most of the day on Wednesday taking mom to her appointment in the city - I had to work today to make up the time.

I could have used a vacation day on Wednesday but I have a lot of stuff I want to try to get done before we head out vacation and Jason was working today anyway so I didn't mind.

I decided to run down to the office - I did a bit of warm up walk first then I ran down.

I only ran 3k but that's better than not running at all.

My exercise details.

I'm still quite slow but I'm more concerned about working on my endurance - I can work on speed later.

It's nice working when I'm the only one there.
I can turn my music up and sing along and I get lots done because there are no distractions.
And I did get a lot done - everything I wanted to.
I did have one report that I had to run for a month end report that I send out and I can't do any other work on the computer while it is running so I waited until last to do that then set it to run and walked home.

I made myself a good, healthy supper when I got home.
An egg sandwich and lots of fruits and veggies.

I worked on laundry and doing some clean up.
Then around 6, I figured my report would be finished running so I headed down to the office and sent out the report.
I also played Easter Bunny while I was there and put some chocolate eggs on everyone's desk.

My back was bothering me again so I didn't really do too much for the rest of the evening.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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