Thursday 6 April 2023

EEG for Mom (Apr.5, 2023)

 Woke up to a winter wonderland this morning.

Everything was covered.

I was hoping we were done with snow but I kind of knew that we weren't.

Jason started the car for me and let it run for a bit so at least I didn't have to clear off any snow.

Hopefully this melts right away - regardless, I am not shoveling it so if it stays, it stays.

The moon looked pretty at least.

Did my hair this morning - love it so much when it first gets colored and can't see the grey.

Mom has an appointment in the city today for an EEG but I wanted to work right up until we absolutely have to leave.
Friday is a Stat and I have a lot of work that I need to try to pack in before we head to Las Vegas next week.

I was expecting once we got about 10 miles out of town that the snow wouldn't be as bad as that is normally the case but the roads were snow covered and icy for over half of our trip.
They cleared up for the last half so that was good.

We were originally supposed to go to the Grey Nuns hospital but they called me this morning to say that their technician was sick so they sent us to University of Alberta Hospital instead which was good for me because that's closer.

The attached all of the little electrodes to mom's head and that took about a half hour.
Then the technician wrapped them all up with a bandage so that they wouldn't move.
So it looks like mom's all banged up but really that's just keeping the anodes in place.

Then they got her to lay on the bed and they just wanted her to be still for a half hour and even sleep if she could so I left her and went for a walk.

There was Subway across the street so I went there and got myself a sub for lunch.

Hard to believe we left a winter wonderland this morning - it's pretty nice here.

I sat outside to eat my sub - it was a little cold but the fresh air and the sunshine was nice.

I walked around and got some steps in too until it was time to go back for Mom.

Her test went just fine, we should get the results back in a week or two.
We made a few stops while we were in the city, I returned the little clog shoes I had picked up for Freya, she couldn't walk in them, they just kept falling off.

I was looking for a new container for my utensils on the weekend and couldn't find anything I really liked but I lucked out today and found these.

This is my old one - I still really like it but it was just too big and tall and things were hard to find in it.
I'll find another use for it but I'm not sure just what yet.

We stopped at Walmart and Dollarama too and picked up a few groceries and some goodies for Easter.
I'm going to make dinner at my place on Sunday, I decided to cook a ham, tatertot casserole and whole roasted carrots.

The roads were clear all the way home - no snow on them at all.
We got home around 6 and all the snow that came last night had melted there too, so the driveway was completely clear so that was nice.

Kody texted to say that Freya wanted to come for a visit so I told him to bring her on over.
I knew I needed to hop on the treadmill and figured I'd wait until Jason got home so he could entertain Freya while I did it but he texted me around 7 to let me know that they were having issues in the field so he was going to be a bit late.

By 8:30 he still wasn't home so I convinced Freya to come downstairs with me so I could hop on the treadmill and get my 1 mile in anyway.
She was in the mood for cuddling tonight and really didn't want to and of course I love to cuddle too but I didn't want to miss out on achieving my 1 mile per day at least goal for the month of April.

She did some exercises on the weigh machine while I ran.

I just the 1 mile that I needed to.

 I still needed more steps but Freya was asking to go back upstairs so I went with her.
I figured I'd just do some walking around the house after Kody picked her up.

It was late when Kody came, around 9:30 and we watched some funny animal videos before they left around 10.
Jason still wasn't home from work.

I got the rest of my steps in and watched a couple episodes of Grey's Anatomy.
I watched the one where Meredith leaves and they didn't even make that big of a deal about it.
I thought it was kind of weird.

It was after midnight when I finally decided I better go to bed.

I knew I wouldn't sleep until Jason got home but at least I'd be resting.
I think it was close to 1 am before he finally did get home and come to bed.
Poor guy - he is going to be exhausted tomorrow.

I usually preach moderation but balance works too.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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