Tuesday 4 April 2023

Gravy, Chinese Chips and Weekend Shopping Haul (Apr.2, 2023)

We slept in a bit this morning then we kind of just laid around, went down and got some breakfast in the hotel (they had bacon) then finally headed out for a run just after 10 am.

Checkout was at 11 so on our way out the door, we asked if we could get a later checkout and the girl actually told us no.
We were kind of shocked, that has never happened before and we were honestly kind of annoyed as well.
That meant that we didn't have time to go out and run, come back, change, pack up and be out before 10 so we decided to head back to the room, pack up right away and leave and just go run somewhere else.

We knew we'd be sweaty afterwards and I had to go exchange some sandals I'd picked up for Freya for a larger size at the WEM, so we did that first.

Then we were feeling kind of hungry so we decided to go get a bite to eat.
I wanted to go to this diner that we pass every now and then and every time we do, i say 'we should eat here'.
I couldn't remember the name of it and could only kind of remember the general area it was in so we drove around for a bit looking for it but couldn't find it.

So instead we decided to try out this place Jason found last night right next to the escape room place we were at.
It's a burger place called Gravy and it had really good reviews.

It was kind of funky looking place on the inside.

There were all different kinds of burgers to chose from on the menu.
I went with the Halifax and Jason went with the Double Dragon.

It was way bigger on the inside than what it looked on the outside.

Everything was covered in graffiti which I actually kind of like.

The teens at the next table were adding their touches to their table.

Good Morning.

Every surface was covered.

And a lot of the place was built out of pallets, like this wall and the counter.

Even the benches had graffiti.

The bull head was cool looking - it fit with the vibe of the place.

Jason's burger had an egg and chow mein noodles and a sauce that tasted like Chinese Five Spice kind of but was also a bit on the spicier side.
It was good.

Mine had donair meat, swiss cheese, onions, tomato and sweet donair sauce which I love.
I could have done with more onions and tomato and maybe even some lettuce but all in all, it was a really good burger.

They make all of the burgers from scratch - I could see her making up patties while we were there and I much prefer that over frozen patties.

I also decided last minute to get an order of spicy fries for Jason and I to share.
They were super good fries.
We really enjoyed it and I know we'll be back.

We stopped and got a few groceries and the weather wasn't that great so we decided to head home and just to do our runs there.

We picked up some interesting chip flavors while we were at the T&T Market in the mall and tried them out on the drive home.
Cucumber flavor - it was slightly reminiscant of sour cream and onion but definitely had a cucumber flavor to it as well which was weirdly good.

Then these were yam chips, these were black sesame flavor and they were also really good.

Finally we tried these which were yam and goji berry - they had a bit of a sweetness to them and I think these ones were our favorite.
Amazingly - we enjoyed all three flavors.
We only tried a couple - we'll take the rest to work and share them there.

Once we got home and unpacked everything, Jason headed for a run outside and I headed to the treadmill.
I wanted to make sure I ran at least 1 mile, I ended up running 1.5.

Not a huge distance but every little bit counts.

I wore my new sneakers that I bought and I really liked them.

I'm looking forward to testing them out outside once all the snow and ice and mud is gone.

I also picked up a new tank top today - I like the orange color and the fabric and really nice and soft.

Also lucked out and found a ponytail cap - I've been looking for one of these for a looong time.

It has a nice big opening for a bun or a ponytail and it's at the back, not the top, which I like.

It has a velcro fastener so easy to close - I really like it.
There were four colors, a black, a white, a light pink and this one which I ultimately chose.
I may go back for a black one though next time I'm in the city.

We picked up this cute little dress for Freya for Easter.

These are the sandals I picked up for her.

They are Skechers so they should be nice and comfy.

They light up on the heels and she loves that.

I also saw these super cute clogs that I picked up for her - I thinik she'll love them.

They have a bit of a high heel and little girls always love that.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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