Tuesday 4 April 2023

Weigh In Day and Purple Hair (Apr.3, 2023)

Today was weigh in day - after a few treat days this week, I was expecting to see a gain and I did.

I was 212.2 lbs.

That's up 1.2 lbs since last weigh in which isn't that bad but time to get back on track now.

Haylee posted this cute picture of her and Freya this morning.
They colored their hair and I think it looks super cute.

Jason made me steak and salad for lunch and it was yummy.
Then after lunch, he walked back down to the office with me.

He was going to drive down after I got off, leave the car so we could walk home together and I could run back down to get the car.
However, it was snowing and windy after work and I didn't want to run out in that so he drove down and picked me up and I just got on the treadmill.

I ran just over 2 miles today so 3.2 km.
I'm trying to work my way back to at least 5k a day and I'm getting there.

Got a bit of a sweat on and the run felt good.

Kody texted to say that Freya wanted to come over for a visit and she arrived just as I was getting off the treadmill.

She's so proud of her purple hair (it looks pink to me but she insists that it is purple).

It's hard to see well with the lighting but it's on the front then the bottom all around.
I think it just washes out so it shouldn't damage her hair any.

She wanted to get into the sink again so got her bathing suit on immediately when she got to the house.
This is a new way of doing the dishes - talk about getting right in there!

Jason made us chicken and mango salad for supper then he made us mango/passionfruit ice cream for dessert - he makes it with fresh fruit and fat free greek yogurt so it's super low in points and really delicious.

Freya wanted a snack and everything I suggested she kept saying no to until I mentioned eggs.
She wanted and omelet but she wanted to make it herself.
She cracked the eggs, stirred it up, poured it in the pan and flipped it (with a little help from Grandma).

She added a little salt and pepper too and she was proud of herself.
She ate every last bite too and that was 4 eggs that she put in there.

Then she did some drawing - one of her favorite activities.

She was very focused on her work and Louie sat right up there next to her the whole time.
They think Ozzy had kennel cough so we are going to keep Louie for a few more days just in case.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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