Tuesday 11 April 2023

Bad Weigh In and Pity Party Day (Apr.10, 2023)

 I had another sleepless night last night - it was terrible.

I don't know why it happens to me but I was so tired this morning.

But - I had to get up for work so get up I did and I weighed in first thing.

I was 212.6 lbs.

That means I was up .4 lbs for the week.
I'm so disappointed in myself.
I try so hard for weeks and I barely make any movement on the scale at all then in no time at all, I undo any progress that I've made.
It is just so hard and I'm feeling discouraged.

Mom had offered to watch Freya when I headed to work this morning but Freya woke up and when she realized I was going to work - she wanted to go home.
So I got her ready and dropped her off on my way.

Shennelle was looking for a good book to read on her vacation - she and Jody are off to Miami this week then a Carribean cruise for Jody's 50th birthday - so I recommended this one to her.
I thought it was a great read.

I had a few things to do at lunch time so I didn't walk back to the office and I was fairly busy all day but I didn't want to end up having to do 13 000 steps when I got home so I made sure to get out for a walk in the afternoon.
It was super windy out there - holy heck.
I forgot to take a picture too so I just took one when I got back to the office.

It looks like I just rolled out of bed.
I was supposed to go renew my drivers license but don't want to go looking like this - I'll get ready and go up there tomorrow and do it.

When I got home, I hopped in the treadmill.
I walked a bit - ran 1.066 miles too.
It felt not too bad actually.

If I wasn't feeling so tired due to lack of sleep I might have stayed on longer.
I thought Freya was coming over too but her and Haylee ended up going to visit with a neighbour.

I had a pretty quiet evening and I'm not sure if was because I was tired or the weigh in but I was having kind of a pity party for myself and ate a bunch of stuff I shouldn't have.
My brother brought me a little tub of mango/raspberry ice cream for my birthday yesterday and I finished that off.
Plus I had granola bars, pistachios that Mom bought for me, candy, chocolate - just all kinds of treats.
I totally fell off the WW wagon today - I was feeling like I'm not getting anywhere so why bother.

Of course I immediately regretted it but can't undo it now.
Can only just move on from here and keep trying.

We are heading to Vegas this week and I never really follow WW when I'm on a vacation but I want to at least be sensible and not throw all caution to the wind.

I really want to get back under 200 and it's just so hard - I don't want to be going in the wrong direction then have more ground to make up when I get back.

I do plan on running every day while I'm there so that should help to keep things from getting out of control, in fact, I want us to be as active we can this trip, biking, canoeing, whatever we can do to burn off all the calories that I know I'm going to be eating.

Haylee posted this cute picture from the weekend I thought I would share.
Freya is just growing up so fast.

I have a busy day tomorrow so I made sure I packed my suitcase tonight.
Jason packed his as well.
As soon as he gets home from work we will be heading into the city - we fly out at 7:40 am on Wednesday morning and I'm so looking forward to it.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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