Monday 3 April 2023

House Hunting and Birthday Dinner for Me (Apr.1, 2023)

April is here!

I decided that for the month of April I want to run at least 1 mile every day.

So I was up early this morning and on the treadmill.

I only ran the 1 mile (the rest is warm up and cool down) because we had to be in Westlock for an appointment to see a house at 10 and I wanted to get a shower in before we left.

Felt good to get the run over with first thing.

Jason's mom found another listing she wanted us to look at for her.
This one is on a quieter street which I think is good for them.

Not crazy about the wall color but we did like the house.
It already has two offers on it though so it's going to go quick.

A video Jason took of the house.

After we saw the house, we stopped at Tim Horton's to get some breakfast and Jason uploaded the videos so his mom could look at them right away.

We had coffee and sandwiches then carried on into the city.

When we got into the city, we parked at the St Albert mall so Jason could go on the trails for a run.
He didn't have time to go for one this morning before we left.

I did some shopping while he ran - I ended up buying myself a new pair of runners.
I got Saucony's this time - I've never tried them before but Jason just got a pair and he really likes them.
I got the same ones he has, just a different color, mine are even men's.
I can't wait to try them out.

I went for a bit of a walk too while I was waiting for Jason to finish up.

There is still some ice on the river/creek here but it is breaking up and the snow is almost all gone.

There were lots of people out walking - so nice to see.
Spring is definitely in the air.

Enjoying the sunshine while I get some more steps in.

We met Bonnie, John, Nadine and Karl all at the River Cree casino which is where they are staying tonight.
Jason and I opted to stay at the Staybridge instead but we parked at the River Cree and all hopped into to Bonnie's vehicle together to head to dinner.

We had reservations at Pampa Brazilian Steakhouse.
None of us have ever eaten here before.

Bonnie and June.

Nadine and Karl.

Jason and I.
Right off the bat the waitress spilled a whole glass of water mainly on Jason but some on me as well.
She felt bad but it was no biggie.

They have an all you can eat salad bar that you get up and serve yourself.
Then servers come around with different cuts of meat on skewers and you can have as much of that as you want as well.
They have 13 different cuts I think, some of the ones I remember were bacon wrapped pork, pork shoulder, bacon wrapped filet mignon, parmesan pork, top sirloin, bottom sirloin, chorizo and their signature steak.
My favorites were the parmesan pork and the signature steak.

Even though we were pretty full, we decided to go ahead an order dessert anyway.
Jason got the caramel cheesecake.
It was crumbly but it did taste good.

I went with the Pampa cake because it had passionfruit mousse in it and I love me some passionfruit.
They did it all up for my birthday and even had a candle on it for me.

They did such a great job writing the Happy Birthday in chocolate.

Even thought my birthday is still a couple weeks away, this is my birthday dinner with the girls.
It's the only time we could all get together this month.

After dinner, we headed over to Time Escape.
It's one of those Escape Rooms and it is the first time trying it for all of us.

I'm not sure what I was expecting but it was very difficult.
We had 45 minutes to make it out and you could get help which we ended up having to do several times.

We didn't make it out in the 45 minutes, it took us 55 minutes and that was with lots of help.
It was lots of fun though and they have 5 different themed rooms so I defintely think we'll be back to try another one.

We headed back to the River Cree after that and did a bit of gambling.
I found the Piggy game that I like and spent the whole evening there.
I put 20 in, lost it right away and then put in another 20 and pretty much stayed there for the rest of the night.
I kept getting bonuses and I wouldn't win alot on them but I kept getting them over and over so it was fun.
I was up to around 80 at one point, decided to cash out at 50 but played down to 10.
I thought I was done for at that point and figured I'd be out 40 bucks but was ok with it since it kept me entertained all night but before I was completely out, I got all the bonuses at the same time which put me back up to about 85.
Then I got another bonus right away and ended up over 100 so I cashed out.
I was 60 bucks to the good and I played all evening so I thought that was pretty good.

The rest of the crew called it a night and went up to their rooms so Jason and I left there and headed over to our hotel room at Staybridge.

It was a fun evening.

I saw this on Instagram or Facebook today and I thought it was such a cool idea.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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