Thursday 6 April 2023

Cute Lunch Date and Grey Gone for Now (Apr.4, 2023)

 Little miss spent the night at our place and she had school this morning so Jason got her ready and I went and picked them up to drop her off.

Then I went back to work and Jason went for a 21k run - he is a rock star!

He finished up just in time to be able to pick up the bike trailer and run down to school and pick Freya up.

Then they went out for a lunch date, she likes to go have fries and soup.

I was heading to lunch myself so I figured I'd just go and meet them there.
I had a shrimp salad and it was pretty good.

I went and took the car home after we had lunch then I walked down to the office.
It was fairly nice, a bit of a chill in the wind but not horrible.

The snow is melting pretty good.
When we got back to the office, the internet and all the phones were down so we couldn't do anything.

So we sat in Bonnie's office for a bit and chatted.
I showed them my grey hair.

I am going to get it colored this afternoon and I put it up in a bun after my shower this morning so I figured I'd better take it out and let it dry for the color.

Jason and Freya came and picked me up to take me to my appointment and she insisted on coming inside to watch.
So they came in and stayed and played while I got my hair done.

I just got the roots touched up - it took about an hour and a half all together.
The internet is down here too - it is out all over town apparently so the debit machine wasn't working and I never have cash so I'll need to come back and pay Kim on Thursday since I'll be out of town tomorrow.

When I got home, I hopped on the treadmill to get my 1 mile run in.

My back was bothering me so I didn't do any extra, just the 1 mile that I needed.
Look - no grey!

Then this happened.

Jason decided to make cinnamon rolls.

Then he added cream cheese icing to them when they came out of the oven.

I had 1 2 of them and they were delicious.
I felt so guilty though - I really wanted to stay on plan today and these definitely pushed me over.

What's done is done, back on track tomorrow.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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