Friday 21 April 2023

Birthday Lunch with the Girls (Apr.11, 2023)

It's not official weigh in day today but I just wanted to know where I was at the beginning of vacation so I can see how much damage I've done when I get back. 

I was 214 lbs - that's up just from yesterday - I'm kind of in Vacation mode with my eating already if I'm being honest.
6 days of throwing caution to the wing then it will be back on track for me.

I felt a bit like I had a cold or something trying to start so this is how I started my morning.
Vitamin C and lots of it, a Core Power drink and my coffee - that should stave off anything menacing I hope.

The girls took me out for lunch for my birthday.
I had fries and they were delicious and totally worth every point (I didn't track any points today anyway).
They gave me a gift certificate for Amazon for a birthday gift.

When I got home, I finished packing and also looked for Jason's GoPro.
We were looking everywhere for it - we knew we had it in Florida but hadn't seen it since.
I had a search around again and finally found it under the bed (not sure how it managed to end up there) but I was pretty happy to find it and I sent Jason a picture to let him know.

I also hopped on the treadmill to get my 1 mile run in for the day.

So happy to get it done but even happier to be heading out on a vacation tomorrow.

When Jason got home, he finished packing then we loaded up the car and headed into the city.
We fly out early tomorrow morning so it's just better if we are in there already.
We stayed at the Four Points by Sheraton - they have the best beds, bedding and pillows.

We got there around 10:30 and basically went right to bed - we have to be up at 4:30 so we wanted to get a few hours of sleep in before that. 

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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