Friday 7 April 2023

Dance Pictures (April 6, 2023)

It was quite a busy day for me again but I just love busy work days.
They make the days fly by.

I was able to make it to coffee break for a bit.
Everyone is in a good mood because we have a long weekend coming up.
Tomorrow is Good Friday - I'm actually going to work myself to make up for some of the time I missed yesterday but I might just work from home for the day.

Anyway - we got talking about medications and how you can buy stronger stuff in the US - I told Bonnie I'd look for the travel sickness patches she likes since they are no longer available in Canada so she sent me this picture as a reminder.

We all kind of thought it was funny that when we used to go to the States for a trip we'd bring back alcohol and cigarettes and now we're bringing back travel sickness patches and stomach pills (Zantac).

I worked through lunch because I had a Doctor appointment at 2 for my back and I was trying to get a bunch of stuff done before I left.

The appointment was kind of useless really, I wondered if maybe I had a urine infection so he sent me for a urine test and he asked me if I wanted some stronger medication.
I told him if it was ok for me to continue on with the ibuprofen I would and that was all there was too it.
He said if it gets worse to come back.

I headed back to work after the appointment, knuckled down and got quite a bit accomplished.
We are heading to Las Vegas next Tuesday and I like all my work stuff to be completed before I head out on a vacation just so that I'll be working from a clean slate when I get back.

Freya's dance pictures were ready for order so Haylee sent me the link.
I took screenshots of all of the poses and I did order some pictures as well.
I found them kind of on the expensive side to be honest.

I'm not going to caption each picture but I've included them here at the bottom.
I did make a note under the two poses that I ordered.

You could order a combo one that had the group in it and the individual but the website wasn't the easiest to manouvre in and I couldn't figure out how to combine them together or choose which ones I wanted to combine together so I scrapped that idea.

I didn't get out for any walks at all today so I considered walking home then running back down for the car but I had to do a few things so I took the car but then when I did get home, I got ready and headed out for a long walk.
I thought I'd do a long walk, stop at the store for some supper groceries then run my 1 mile on the treadmill when I got home.
It was so nice out and I was dressed for it so I decided to do my run outside before I stopped at the store.

I ended up running 2k.

My exercise details.

My average pace and splits.

I can't believe how hard running just 2 is, it used to be a piece of cake.

I've been thinking a lot about the half marathon that we are signed up for in Jasper at the end of April and I was going to just try to do it but if I'm being honest with myself, I don't really think I can.

So I called Jason to get the information for the race - I'm going to contact them to see if I can move to the 10k or sign up for that one instead.

I made a salad kit and an egg sandwich for my supper and watched some more Grey's Anatomy.

I have about 4 more episodes to go before I get all caught up - I quite like being able to watch one episode after another.

Jason got home at his regular time tonight but went out for a run so it seemed like we only had about an hour to visit together before bed time.

The Dance Pictures - I love the little yellow costumes she chose for the girls - they are so sweet.

Looks like Ella didn't make it to picture day. 

This was one of the poses I ordered.

This was the other.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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